How old is too old?

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In any case, I would say NEVER.

If you do not have any specific problem that might stop you from diving and your general fittness level is OK, I don't see why you shouldn't dive.

I have had guys over 50 in my class and heard of much older people learning to dive. My father-in-law started at 48 and he enjoys it very much.

Ari :)
Hell, Cousteau was in his 80's! There was a guy from my LDS who was, too. I plan on quitting somewhere in my 90's.
Betty Pratt Johnson who wrote several guides to diving in Puget Sound turned 80 this year and she is still diving...

As long as you are in good health, you are never too old!
Sometimes the mind and the body never get it body is in his early forties, but my mind is still trying to graduate from high school. :confused: (I am?)

The joke is on my body, since I just don't feel like I did in high school... :eek: But when it comes to diving, I'll let my mind do it's thing.
Hi From Kingston Ontario Canada..
Welcome to the SCUBA Board. Hope you enjoy the forum. Don't be afraid to ask Questions or to do Posts..
Hope all your days are wet ones.. or dry.. depending on how you dive..
Welcome to the board...!

I have dived with divers above 70 years of age.

As long as that individual is physically fit (with the approval of a Doctor if over the age of 45) and is willing to learn (not having the know it all attitude) there shouldn't be any reasons why he or she can't dive.

you can never be to old, or maybe when your age out numbers your log dives..

when you walk by a aquarium and wonder what it is...

or my favorite when they pry my regulator from my cold dead dive bag..

Glad to have you here
Welcome aboard Scuba Bunny B, from one southern California diver to another.

As to your question... I'm new to scuba diving as well (just logged my 8th dive), so the extent of my own knowledge in regard to the question is limited. My response is based solely on my own twisted logic and experience - on occasion I have noticed various individuals who carry O2 canisters with them wherever they go. On such occasions I immediately ask myself where their mask, fins, and BCD are?!?!?

If they are breathing air from a tank already then in my opinion they are good to go. Their age has merely given them an advantage in terms of equipment preparedness. I say "MAKE THE MOST OF IT!"

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