Shaka Doug
A minor car accident turned into a disaster for the reef today at Makena Landing. Someone ran into the Fire Hydrant there and popped the top off. This is what it looks like when hundreds of thousands of gallons of water run off shore onto the reef. This was only about five minutes into it. It took the County Workers over an hour to respond and shut off the water. The entire bay was filled with silt by then. It was, and is, very sad... Here's a video I shot at the scene. I dove immediately after and the visibility was no more than three inches for almost 100 yards offshore. By the time I got back, an hour later, the murkiness had spread at least three times that distance. I hope it cleans up soon. It certainly isn't good for the reef.
Here is my video:
<a href="#" onClick="'','mediaPlayer','dependent=1,resizable=no,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,directories=0,width=320,height=240');"><img border='0' src=''></a>
Here is my video:
<a href="#" onClick="'','mediaPlayer','dependent=1,resizable=no,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,directories=0,width=320,height=240');"><img border='0' src=''></a>