How many forum posters does it take to change a light bulb?

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Maybe this should be in the DIY forum, but with all the light inteligence here, someone might be able to answer this. Is there a way to DIY a gas change out in a 6' flourencent bulb? And if so, what is the proper mix?
I checked out your profile, it's a shame, you got some spunk and a little time and experience in, but yer right ain't no contest.
Son, when I started we had to haul in sunlight by sledge because the wheel hadn't been invented yet. We lit rocks because we didn't have anything else to burn. Then we discovered these funny black rocks what burned real good.
Times got better after that.


Son, when I started we had to haul in sunlight by sledge because the wheel hadn't been invented yet. We lit rocks because we didn't have anything else to burn. Then we discovered these funny black rocks what burned real good.
Times got better after that.

You had the black burning rocks? Man, you had it easy. Back in my day, we had to wait until the crust cooled down enough to walk on without burning your feet so bad they smoked. Before that we either had to hop up and down all the time or else jump onto the stray bit of debris from all the falling meteorites. Back then the earth was spinning much faster and a whole day was only 18 hours long. You pansies whine and complain about not having enough time in the day to get everything done, well try making a living and handling all your business in an eighteen hour day. We ran our butts off, I'll tell you, yesiree. Light bulbs, hah! We lived with sunlight and starshine and were happy to get it!
Guys, c'mon, this thread is about changing lightbulb/light bulb. These are very serious discussion here and they involve life threatening issues and life saving techniques while changing light bulbs. Please keep your discussion to the original topic.

If you want to discuss other topic, please start a new thread. I'll report all non related posts on this thread to the mod and have them all remove!
Guys, c'mon, this thread is about changing lightbulb/light bulb. These are very serious discussion here and they involve life threatening issues and life saving techniques while changing light bulbs. Please keep your discussion to the original topic.

If you want to discuss other topic, please start a new thread. I'll report all non related posts on this thread to the mod and have them all remove!

I agree
I have found while reading other threads in this forum the amount of attention to detail there is. This thread seems to lack much detail and seems very basic in scope.
There is NO mention of different type of bulbs to be changed. For example I would not use the same technique to change out a 60 watt incandesent bulb as I would let say for a 200 watt flood light or a 4' flourescent for that matter. There has not been a peep of the difference in changing techniques of xenon vs. halogen.
I know that many of you may not think this so serious, but I for one do!

Change often, change safe.
HA!! Wimps. I had nothing but darkness for an undeterminable time. I got bored with it and finally said "Let there be light . . . "
So YOU'RE the guy. There's a coupla things I've meaning to talk to you about.
So YOU'RE the guy. There's a coupla things I've meaning to talk to you about.

This definately troll bait.

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