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Reaction score
Mesa Arizona, The all beach no ocean state.
# of dives
100 - 199
... Nitrox cert dives today? (PADI)

...night dives at 10 am this morning? to help a buddy Not hit a rock?
I now am Nitrox certified because I went diving this morning, how many of you went diving today???

The lake that I dove had the normal 5 foot viz and at 45 feet was pitch black, a dive light must, my buddy while looking at his compass head down pretty dern near hit a rock that appeared from nowhere, I don't know what surprised him more that I grabbed to stop him or when he looked all he could see was this rock..

I am ready to dive again are you?
We've have a spate of swim by rockings lately... usually in low vis areas. We have contacted the proper authorities, but they have yet to take us seriously. Ya sure that was NitrOx and not Nitrous Oxide???

Why is it that we have become so relaxed that granite boulders can roam in gangs unchecked?

They seem to have the same MO your going about your business then all of a sudden one appears you think hey just take a deep breath and go over it you take a deep breath and the boulder tilts so you just can't go up you have to go BACK.

the deeper question is what to they want? why are they here? where do they go?

I was quite sure that I was using Ean32
Originally posted by Fishkiller
Why is it that we have become so relaxed that granite boulders can roam in gangs unchecked?
And it's not just those granite boulders....I've noticed a spate of gauge snatchers recently, too!

I don't know what the oceans are coming to these days! It used to be that you could just kick around above seaweed and coral without a care in the sea, but now.... well, you need to keep a lanyard close-by all the time.

I finished my Nitrox a few weeks ago. Ahh the joy of extended NDLs. FINALLY I get to ascend 'cause I've run out of air!
have determined it's gang related, you can tell cuz of the green colored Doo-Rags they are wearing. They even left some cryptic markings on my forehead once!

There is no place safe anymore!

Originally posted by Iguana Don
have determined it's gang related, you can tell cuz of the green colored Doo-Rags they are wearing. They even left some cryptic markings on my forehead once!

Are you're sure that wasn't the green SNOT MONSTER!! We have them here in Australia. No, really! we do! they come out at night, they've got really long tongues and they are afraid of the light... and they look just like snot...


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