"As soon as possible after diving, the regulator should be rinsed thoroughly
with fresh water while it is attached to a cylinder and pressurized
with air."
"Rinsing alone, however, will not sufficiently clean the regulator. To
clean the regulator as thoroughly as possible, it is necessary to soak it in warm (not over 120°F) tap water for at least one hour."
"The preferred method is to attach the regulator to a charged SCUBA cylinder, open the cylinder valve to pressurize the regulator, and thoroughly soak both the first and second-stages. Pressurizing the regulator will effectively prevent the entrance of moisture and/or contaminants into the regulator while it soaks."
"If it is not feasible to soak the regulator while it is attached to a
cylinder, it may be soaked unpressurized - provided that the dust cap is securely sealed over the inlet with its O-ring intact, and the second stage purges buttons are not depressed while the regulator is submerged or wet."
And so on. There are more warnings and procedures on this topic.
The single best thing you can do is soak immediately after exiting the salt water, before it can dry, and swish it around to move the salt water out of the regulator passages, including the first stage ambient port (mainspring housing, for example). That's "soak and swish," not just rinse.