How long into treatment?

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Martinez, GA
I too have a question concerning sinus infections. I have a definite repeat problem with sinus and have had all my life. I am currently being treated for a sinus infection, with Bactrim DS, Duragesic, saline nasal spray, and Rhinocort nasal spray. My question is I began the antibiotics and Duragesic today, I am going to West Palm Beach to dive this upcoming weekend (I hope) is it possible to be cleared up by the weekend? How long does it take normally? I am going to be on the Bactrim for 2 weeks. If I even feel the least bit congested I won't dive, but I am curious as to how long it may take. My physician, who is a diver also, told me I should be fine by Thurs. or Friday, but I am skeptical.
My bad fingers, I should have typed Duratuss, not Duragesic. Don't know what I was thinking. The Duratuss is prescribed as 1/2-1 tab every 12 hours for congestion. I already feel much less congested and the headache I have had for the last couple of days has gone.
Hi seaangel,

If you are skeptical about the advice of your physician (a diver) who has taken your medical history & has examined you, why would you have faith in board physicians who have done neither?

Best regards.

I am just curious, to know what others might think. I totally trust her. She and her husband both are physicians and both dive with our LDS on some trips. There is comfort in knowing if more than one opinion would be the same. Yes, I don't know those here on the board, but as for answers I have seen excellent advice given here. Or I could just stop coming to the boards and be satisfied with my local peers in diving.
Hi seaangel,

Somehow the "My physician, who is a diver also, told me I should be fine by Thurs. or Friday, but I am skeptical," doesn't seem to jibe with "I totally trust her."

Also, I'd suggest that your not knowing the doctors here on the board is not the issue. It's those here not knowing the specifics of your medical situation.

What am I missing?

Best regards.

Doc V.,
We women don't HAVE to not "trust" someone to want a wide range of opinions. Girls gather information in a survey fashion, evaluating many varying expert analyses. It is a way to feel like we are making our own conclusions wisely instead of being dictated to by "experts," who we have found don't evaluate our situations as individuals. When a man tries to shut down our curiosity, our trust REALLY checks out.

Thanks art.chick you are right. I guess it is a female thing.

No, there is not any more Doc, I am skeptical because I am anxious for this trip. And my physician said "you should be able to dive" that leaves an open answer not definitive. As I have paid my hard earned money to go on this trip and it was cancelled on Memorial weekend I am just a bit worried, I would rather stay home than travel 9 hours by van to sit it out in a Motel by myself while the others dive. Skeptical may have been a poor choice of words, maybe concerned that I may not be ready to dive. I also, want to be 100% as I have several dive trip plans going on back to back starting this weekend, then in 2 weeks Cozumel, in 2 more weeks a liveaboard to Bimini. I am excited and have been anticipating these dives for several months now.

Basically, all I wanted to know is how long does it take for the medications to work in clearing an infection? If my sinuses are not congested will it affect the course of treatmen to dive?

These are questions I thought about after leaving the office. I was having quite a bit of a headache and all I could think of at the time was getting some relief. I will call her today and ask all my questions.

Thanks anyway for your time. No need for an answer here.
Originally posted by seaangel
Thanks art.chick you are right. I guess it is a female thing.

No, there is not any more Doc, I am skeptical because I am anxious for this trip. And my physician said "you should be able to dive" that leaves an open answer not definitive. As I have paid my hard earned money to go on this trip and it was cancelled on Memorial weekend I am just a bit worried, I would rather stay home than travel 9 hours by van to sit it out in a Motel by myself while the others dive. Skeptical may have been a poor choice of words, maybe concerned that I may not be ready to dive. I also, want to be 100% as I have several dive trip plans going on back to back starting this weekend, then in 2 weeks Cozumel, in 2 more weeks a liveaboard to Bimini. I am excited and have been anticipating these dives for several months now.... sounds like you are searching for a guarantee that you'll be 100% to dive and no one can give that to you. No one has that guarantee, even when we leave for a trip perfectly healthy. You do what you can to be and stay healthy. Other than that you make the best of whatever happens on a trip. Even if you travel those 9 hours by van and end up not diving, why sit in a motel by yourself? Go out on the boat and enjoy the sun and ocean atmosphere. Snorkel while the others are diving. Enjoy the others excitement.

Or you could stay at home or sit in that motel having a pitty party feeling sorry for yourself!

Just my 2¢
I am going to go. No I am not looking for a guarantee of any sort. I am feeling better, but since I am an independent diver, I have no hubby going with me it does make me a bit wary. However, I also do not want to do something that will jeopardize my next dive trip in two weeks. I also, feel it would be a bit of a downer to go and sit it out as this is suppose to be my make up for Memorial Weekend being cancelled out. I am not the type of person who would sit and mope about either, I can make the best of a really bad situation. Seems that by typing the wrong impressions are read into things. is off I go for whatever may come the next few days. As for just riding the boat I probably would do that and then again I might just hang out with some of the non-diving wives that are going. I also, have a new book that I want to read and hey, our motel is right on the beach. Sounds pretty good to me to spend time enjoying Florida! But remember the main reason for this trip is to dive, so yes I will be a bit disappointed if I can't.:sun: :tree:

As for my infection problem, well I have had an allergic reaction to the Bactrim DS yesterday, I started to break out in a rash all over and my nose turned bright red. I contacted my physician and we stopped the Bactrim DS. My sinus has been draining with no signs of infected mucous so prehaps it was not an infection after all. I do not have a headache anymore, I feel like my head is open and I can clear my ears without problem. ( I know this as by practicing the valsalva manuever after using the Rhinocort spray as directed by my ENT).

Happy Fourth of July to all and may you all be making lots of bubbles to celebrate with!:auto:
Howdy Cindy:

I guess you've already left for your trip. Be sure and let us know how you did.

Good luck,


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