How long do you use your gear?

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Houston, Texas, USA
Hey everyone;

I am kinda curious about what the peanut gallery thinks on this topic. How long fo you use your gear before you decide you need to upgrade and/or replace it. I am talking about everything.

The reason I ask is I still pretty much have the same gear I have had since I bought it all in '93. I have changed out masks several times and I once had to have my primary second stage replaced (under warranty) as it began to crack. However, everything else is still the same; BC, computer, tank, and so on. I do follow the maintenance program for dive gear to the letter. I get by BC and reg serviced each year along with the VIP required for the tank. I also have had it hydro'ed several years ago and know it is due for another hydro in the next year or so.

I have never been one to purchase anything because it happens to be the latest rage. As long as something works properly, I hang on it. For example, I know the new split fins are very popular and everyone I know who has them loves them. However, I still have the same US Divers Blades that I originally bought and they work fine for me. My BC still works as fine as the day I got it although it now showing that it has been around (it is very faded). :) However, it functions just fine. So does my regular and computer. Getting a new BC by next spring is probably the only "upgrade" that I plan to do.

How often do the rest of you upgrade and/or replace? Or do you keep it as long as it works?
I guess with me it's about the same, since 95. I bought all the equipment back than, and held to the BC and regulators since. As for the rest- it comes and goes. I think I got at least 5 wetsuits by now, 4-5 mask, dont know how many snorkels and booties.
Sure-my BC looks rather faded, as it was used for hundreds of dives, and even when I bought it, it wasn't the best but- it has the best back system I ever saw, and I tried several other BCs and didnt like any of them as much as I like my humble Mares Vector 840. great back system! Two years ago I added a computer- Suunto Viper. a great tool, and as at the time I had at least 4 dives a day, it was essential back than. A new addition I may make, is a BC with good technical profile, as I intend to start with technical diving.

That's about it I guess. :)
I am still using a steel '72 I bought new in '72 as a primary piece of gear. My original Conshelf regulator bought at the same time is now a backup, but still sees regular use on stage bottles. I have a BC from '88 I still use... there are nits & nats that range from new to 30 that still see regular use.
I had my Sherwood Blizzard since about '91 and my Dacor BC since about '94 (it replaced my defective Sherwood); Mares Plana Avantis since '91.

Recently upgraded to Mares Abyss reg, Aeris BC, and Dacor Tiger fins. These should do me for another 10 years at least... :wink:

So I guess I'm one of those that use their gear for a long time.

He has probably fallen asleep at his keyboard as that is what "experienced" people do, so he will probably miss this.

Walter would say: Until it biodegrades!

I just replaced my 20yo mares santiago mask. I still have my IDI power pro fins that are the same age. I have replaced the straps a few times. I am looking to replace my '92 BC. My regs are fine. I bought my computer when we outfitted my wife 3 years ago.

Welcome back ID... Missed ya man. We really missed you at Athens. Glad to see you back around

Tom (and the rest of the swamp divers)
I just semi-retired my Jetfins last year. My old legs prefer the Twin Jets far better, but they will still grace my equipment locker till after I die. I would rather dive with someone wearing older equipment anyway. It at least gives me the impression that this is not their first dive. :tease: Unless I see those E-Bay receipts in their dive bag!!!
Old does not necessarily mean obsolete, especially if you have had the equipment since day one, and you know everything that it has been through. From what I have been told, there has been equipment with only aesthetics changed, yet marketed under a different model, so why change something if it is the same machine?
Granted, I've only been diving for a little over 2 years, but the only thing I've changed by choice are my boots and fins. My old boots had holes, so I got a different style which didn't work well with my fins (made my toes go numb) so I got a pair of Twinjets.

I got a new reg for Christmas because my "other half" wanted my old reg for his new pony bottle.

I was going to get a new BC ("accidently" bleached my old one..don't ask) but I think I'm just going to dye my "friend" black..saves alot of, I love it!

In my opinion..if you have something you know and trust..stick with it! (anyone else call their gear their "friend"?)
......seems funny that a guy I've never met, never dived with and who hasn't seen my gear would make a statement like that about me that many of my regular buddies would agree with.

I've replaced my mask several times. I dropped the 1st one and the lens shattered. The second one never did fit properly, the third one had prescription lenses and I got laser surgery, the fourth one broke (but it should be back soon after the repair job), the fifth one broke. I'm on my sixth mask.

I have five regulators, all in excellent condition including my first. My most recent addition was a gift from an incredible person and a dear friend, Don Ferguson AKA Tadpole. A US Divers Calypso - Aqua - Lung no. 5911. It has NEVER been overhauled. It's beautiful!

I have four BC's, a horse collar and three jackets. One of the jackets has had the bladder replaced once, one has been replaced twice, the other is new.

I replaced my Jet Fins back in 1990. I replaced them with Jet Fins and I'd still like to catch the SOB who stole them.

Four sets of boots have biodegraded, one set went with the fins.

Snorkels get misplaced at an alarming rate. I buy cheap and simple snorkels.

I misplaced one weight belt (probably in a box somewhere) and out grew another. I've found more than I can count.

I gave away several dive knives, had a buddy use one as an ice pick and break the point (I actually fixed the blade - OK, so I fixed it 15 years later) , actually lost one diving (on the same dive I found a knife that fit the sheath and it was in better condition than the one I lost).

Lights get flooded and I set them aside to repair, but I never seem to actually repair them.

I replaced my Edge computer when I replaced my fins. (I'd really like to find that SOB!) I replaced it with another Edge. I flooded that Edge several years later and it's now a paper weight. My third Edge still operates but needs calibration. If you know where I can get it fixed, please tell me. My first Oceanic Data Plus is in now for overhaul. My second is doing fine.

Two gear bags biodegraded and a third bag is showing sings of joining the first two.


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