How long and how many............

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Howdy fellow Texas divers,,,,,not that it really matters.....but how long have you been diving and how many dives have you made??????
I got certified May 2nd. I have 31 dives thusfar. I dive every weekend in Lake Travis and recently dove 10x in Cozumel. Max depth there was 125 ft. My thoughts on diving were, "more, more, more" I have completed the OW, AOW and next weekend will complete my Rescue class. I am still so green and realized that this past weekend during my rescue class. Up until now, I have wanted the DM cert. Still do, but now I fully understand what is involved with being a DM and am in no rush to get that cert. I will take my time, gaining experience and knowledge along the way. Rescue opened up my eyes to the responsibility of being a trained diver and holding a DM cert. I look forward to completing that challenge with great enthusiasm but will not cut any corners or deny by confidence in my abilities just to get it.

Diving is awesome and I am sorry I waited so long to get into it but stoked that I am in it now. I just turned 30 by the way...dammit!!
Just getting certified. Will finish OW this Wednesday and then have a trip planned to the Keys where I should get plenty of diving in. I've been reading all the Scubaboard posts about freshwater here in Texas because it seems I'll have to do a lot of diving close to home to keep up my skills.
I certified in May, 1997 and have a little over 700 dives. I've been a DM for 4 years.

harvdog...You're gonna love the Rescue class. It was the most fun I've ever had in a class and the hardest. You'll work your buns off! I'm glad to hear you're waiting for more experience before going for DM. It's a very rewarding 'job' but a lot of responsibility. You'll need every bit of experience you can gather!
Howdy fellow Texas divers,,,,,not that it really matters.....but how long have you been diving and how many dives have you made??????

Open Water 3 Feb 1991

Didnt really have anyone to dive with till last year. I've only logged around 40 dives but prolly have around 60 total. (i got lazy and didnt log)
I learned to dive in 1972, got certified as a NAUI diver in 1973 and dove compulsively for a couple years while I was in the Navy. Married in October, 1975, raised kids, got back to serious diving in 1998 and have 400+ since then. I'd venture in the neighorhood of 1000 total, as I didn't log the early dives, had gas available on the base/ship, and plenty of water. Bren finally decided she'd learn to dive in June '02 and has nearly 150 under her weight belt.


4d,23h,29m to blue waters
Kept a log book first year of diving. The next 5 years didn't keep one because my diving slacked off some. Kept one again for 6 years lost them in a move/divorce. Started keeping one again in 1989 and only log blue water dives. I don't know how many I have. :06:
I am not a log keeper. I ask my husband how many dives he has, because he keeps a log, and then I subtract a hundred. So I figure around 325 at this point. I have been diving since July 1998 and a DM for the last three years. I dive year around now since I purchased a dry suit last winter. Keep it up, diving gets better the more classes you take. Rescue was my favorite!
Certified in 2001, and have logged 71 dives todate.
Rescue was totally the BEST class and the hardest!! I go out with our Rescue classes just to keep fresh! I've been diving for about 4 years about 150 dives and am a AI with PADI

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