How do you rate Beauchat stuff ?

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Officially London

I started diving in May and have since dove 49 times - have finally decided to get my own gear since I'm pretty sure I'll be diving more and I'm also sick of using crappy hired equipment that's falling to bits. Have been offered a package of new Beauchat stuff for a pretty good price (BCD, regulator, octopus, first stage) but am worried about getting it serviced - I'm currently in Singapore but will be returning to London and I can't seem to find a London dealer for Beauchat.

Are there any London divers out there who might be able to enlighten me? Has anyone else got their stuff and is it reliable?

Thanks for the help!

Can't answer your question r.e. London, but wanted to share my US experience...

I got a really good deal on a Beauchat VX10 reg right after I got certified in '93 in California, but when I moved to Colorado none of the shops would touch it.

Turns out Beauchat has decided to sell gear through a sporting goods chain store, and all the LDSs were boycotting them, but that's another story...

Anyway, even though I loved the reg, I sold it and bought ScubaPro stuff because it's so much easier to get it serviced.

It's up to you to decide, based on your plans for the future. Even if you can get them serviced in England, do you plan on living there indefineltly? And if you travel, do you want to be able to find survice for them in other places? The travel part may not be so important if you know that you can always have them serviced before leaving, and will always have rental gear available if something happens during a trip.

Just my perspective, take it for what it's worth in your situation.
Beuchat is a french company with a long tradition.
Their gear is considered to be of higher quality than the average in Europe. Especially their regs have an excellent reputation.
Since they are a smaller company and still independent as far as I know, they are not as popular as other companies. 3dent is right when he says that service esp. in your case should be an issue.
FWIW I have had nothing but problems with my VX-10's, and nothing but grief from the company about getting them up to snuff.

You could not pay me to buy Beauchat regas ever again. If you need the full story, PM me and I will try to run it down for you.

Disgusted in Houston :lightingz

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