You can only wait or take several shots, each shot will give you more or less decency -pick the best.
rubbachicken:hi all
just looking back through the pictures i took on my trip to the maldives, i'm more than a little disapointed in how my pictures came out, i took just under 500, i guess most are down to my lack of experience in under water photography, and perhaps my camera might have something to do with it
but how do you get the fish out of the way, i was really hoping this would have come out OK, it was towards the end of my trip, i'd spent a lot of time talking with other diver with camera's, about how to get a decent picture, spent a while looking and waiting for the shrimp to be brave enough to come out for a picture, snap, ahah i thought, a picture of a shrimp
well not quite
i have called this one damn fish
guess i'll just have to go back, sounds like a good reason to me