How do you display your stuff?

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Mike, it was great to meet you and talk to you, tell Petey hello. The dive shop at Portage has some real nice diplays of odd gear and old gear. There was an odd feeling come to me as I stared across into the cases looking at a Royal Aqua Master, somewhat dusty and aging. Odd, when that is what we dive today. I would have loved to have rescued it but the owner looked big and tough, lol. N

Jeff also had some big knives there that he would have no doubt used to slash your hoses underwater if you "liberated" the RAM.

It was good to finally meet the legendary "ruler of the deep" in person, despite being caught doing a sissy dive in my modern gear (oh the shame). I did feel some vindication later when I was diving my vintage gear in a reproduction slick skin suit and the great Nemrod had on a modern day suit, ruining an otherwise perfect vintage set up.

I still have that other sharkskin suit we were talking about, PM me if you're still interested in it and don't forget to check out the D6 drysuit on if you are serious about keeping warm on your non vintage cold water dives.

As for ole' Pete, he is doing well and just defiled a groundhogs living room yesterday. He jammed his big blocky head into the hole, gave it a sniff, and then turned around and dropped a deuce down the hole. Who says dogs don't have a sense of humor.
Well, Mike, I just really have no excuses for using a modern 3/2 suit except that even with a shorty under it requires no weight for me to be neutral with a steel 72 and is fairly warm as a 3/2 suits go. I am known to be given to practicality and function above form and fashion and Allan (Simmonbeans) also has accused me of not living up entirely to being "period" correct vintage!!!! Darn him and you for exposing me to the world as non vintage compliant! Yeah, I had a new AquaLung Legend (in the box still)in the car but I was not about to pull it out and take it for a dive lest I be chastised further. Oh well.

Hey, I do want that suit. I will PM you.

Like many others, I'm quite fond of displaying the old stuff by wearing it.
I've had to limit my collecting to only diveable goodies, or else get another warehouse.
Lighted curio cabinets w/glass shelves are used by some folks I know. The tall ones with a small footprint seem to be much easier to find a place for.
Keep your rubber products in enclosed fixtures to limit the nasty effects of ozone.
UV and heat in display cabinets can be just as bad as ozone. Sometimes worse.

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