Formerly known as KatePNAtl
I've gotten comments about being "one of those" divers....and usually I just laugh it off and promise the person that I won't preach to them....Some people have a negative connotation about GUE/DIR. If they're at all open to a conversation, I'm happy to discuss....if they're very close-minded about it, I keep it light and steer the conversation away from that topic. ...
I agree. I am not out to convert anyone and if people want to be negative, best to steer conversation in different direction. Sometimes it's not even the DIR/GUE connotation that people latch on to.. I was recently diving with a non-DIR rec diving buddy* on what was essentially a guided tour. While we were diving, the DM kept making this gesture with two fingers kind of bent, in the palm of his other hand. I finally figured out it was a signal to kneel on the bottom. I kept shaking my head and just hovering, watching whatever it was he was showing. After the dive, we had the following conversation:
Dive guide: "you dive funny"
Me: puzzled look
Dive guide: "You won't kneel and you stay flat even when we are going up and down- why do you dive like that?"
Me: "it's just the way I've been taught"
He didn't mean anything by it... but he didn't really want to get in a conversation about it either. You can tell. I got a kick out of it, still chuckle when I think about it: "you dive funny." There are of course other times people are genuinely interested and then I, too, am happy to discuss.
I've been diving for a while and most of my dive friends are recreational divers that are happy diving exactly the way they dive. I've found they may be interested in learning more about what I've been up to, and been surprised that several have shown *more* than a passing interest (and in a few cases, have actually signed up for or taken GUE classes.) But I don't go all kool-aidy on anyone... when we do a pre-dive check I may use the GUEEDGE acronym in my head but I don't say it out loud, why run the risk of distracting from what we are doing?
I guess none of the above really speaks to the OP's question. The times I've been met with some forms of derision, I've laughed it off. It's boring for someone to continue to be derisive if the recipient of the derision doesn't get offended by it.

*who is now signed up for Primer!