Pass on the goats. They can strip bark off the trees, I'd hate to see a wetsuit when goats were done!
My X had those nasty pests as pets, and they destroy everything they come in contact with!
GOATS ARE OUT for wetsuit cleaning!!! Unless collecting on insurance and getting a new wetsuit is your goal, of course!!!
New business opportunity! Crotchless wetsuits!
Most of the warmth, none of the stink! If you feel the need to protect down under you can buy a pair of disposable skin undies with a neoprene "cup" to fill in the gap. Never rent someone else's pee again! Not to mention that relief from all that pinching and binding when you first put a wetsuit on. I may be on to something here. Or is that I may be on something? I'll be back to think on this when my cold medicine wears off.