LanceRiley, I think you're too worried about the hoses. The only thing I really worry about is the wing.
If you want to keep water out of the car, put a tarp or rubber mat down in the trunk. It works quite well.
If we are boat diving, we put the gear in a mesh bag, with the backplate toward the outside of the bag. For local shore diving, we use Stanley tool trunks (the small ones) which contain all the water, roll, and will hold a person's worth of gear and exposure protection. Again, the backplate goes in pointing down. In your case, I'd put fins in, then reg, then backplate with STA up, and then wetsuit, booties and hood sitting on top of the STA.
If you can't fit in a Stanley trunk, or can't find them, Rubbermaid makes large tubs that will do the same kind of thing.