How do I post a message on Board?

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how do I post a message? There's no new message button or place where it asks me to write my message. Please e-mail and explain where on the scubaboard I can post. All I see are messages by others.
Dave Stobart:
how do I post a message? There's no new message button or place where it asks me to write my message. Please e-mail and explain where on the scubaboard I can post. All I see are messages by others.
Well you have managed to post this thread so your account seems to be working OK.
When you look at a thread you have two options to reply. All the way above the thread on the right side is a 'Reply' button and in every post there is a 'Q-reply' (Quick reply) button. Pressing either of these will open a new box for you to write your reply and post it. In 'Advanced' mode you have more formatting options. You will also see a 'Quote' button. Pressing this will quote the message that you are answering and allow you add your own reply. You can delete part of the quoted text if you want to specifically only quote one part of it. Be careful though that the [.....] symbols are left in place around the commands 'QUOTE' and '/QUOTE' - everything inside this markers will appear as quoted text.
For an example:
If I want to quote the text "This is ScubaBoard" then I use:
[QUOTE* This is ScubaBoard [/QUOTE* - where the * symbols I just used are replaced with ] - this then ends up as:
This is ScubaBoard
OK clever did you do that? :D

check out this thread here.

if you put those tags inbetween [plain] .... [/plain], the editor will ignore tag commands...

do it easy:
if you hit the quote button, you'll see the text that I entered to get all that. It might be more illustative if you look at my eyebrow post in DandyDon's thread
OK.....I didn't know that tag.....noparse huh!

Still.....I bet you have confused the heck out of Dave by now! :D
i'm confused
dang i hate it when i reach my confused quota!!


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