How do I know what post is being replied to?

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as I read through the various threads, I often see replies to posts that don't make sense to me without reading the post that was responded to; unfortunately, I often cannot find this post.
Is there somewhere on/in the post that I've overlook that shows exactly to whom a poster is responding?
as I read through the various threads, I often see replies to posts that don't make sense to me, yet I cannot find the post that was rsponded to.
is there somewhere on the post that I've overlook that shows exactly to whom a poster is responding?
Most people quote the person they are responding to, so you can see.

Some people do this...
yet I cannot find the post that was rsponded to

Which makes it more cryptic and harder to figure out who they are talking to.

Usually - if it's not quoted it's to the previous post :wink:
Usually - if it's not quoted it's to the previous post :wink:
And you may have to change Display Mode to figure that out.
Ok... good point. (notice I'm replying to Thalassamania :D)

Under "quick links -> edit options"

make sure your options say

Thread Display ModeHere you can choose the display mode for threads. For a full explanation of the modes, please view this help page.
Linear -

I have mine to - Newest First - but I believe the default is oldest first :)
There should be a button on every post that says "reply to this post." Then, at the top of your post it was say "Reply to XXXX", with the XXXXs being a link to the post it is responding to. That way, when you're just responding to a post and don't want or need to quote the post people will know who you're responding to.
Beware that creative quoting happens too:D
See what happens, you try to help a person out and....NVM! (going back to my thread now) *bows head*:shakehead :rofl3:

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