If you're truly interested in helping him quit smoking, then I have some suggestions:
1. Don't smoke around him if you or his other friends are smokers, refrain from it when he's around - for now. When he's been off them for a while (90 days) then he should be able to tolerate it.
2. Don't take him out partying (I mean drinking, socializing in clubs, etc. since there's a lot of smoking in those places, and it's a common place for a smoker to light up.
3. If you're willling to spend money, buy him a box of the Nicoderm CQ Step 1 patches. They work - but only if the smoker really wants to quit.
4. Have some substitutes for cigarettes around - Lifesavers, gum, hard candy.
5. Don't keep asking him how the quitting is going - he'll tell you if he wants to talk about it.
I smoked 2-3 packs a day for 30 years - full strength cigarettes - no wimpy "lights" for me. In 1997, after my second severe upper respiratory infection, and a wife who had started smoking 2 years earlier in self defense (it's the only way she could tolerate the stink - we'd only been married 3 years at that time,) I decided that enough was enough. I was coughing uncontrollably all the time, wheezing in my sleep, and so addicted that my body would wake me in the middle of the night to have a nicotine hit.
Anyway - I knew the only way to go was cold turkey - "cutting down" was not an option, and self-delusion never worked for me ("Cutting down" is crap - it's just a way to rationalize the fact that you're still smoking.)
So I quit. It was rough. No - it was a nightmare. I couldn't think of anything else. I shook. I hated everyone. If I could just have one... No! I'm quitting. Arrrgghh!
A friend of mine had tried to quit using the patches. It didn't work. He smoked while wearing them. I figured it wouldn't work for me either. I went and bought some of that nicotine gum. Yuk! That stuff is nasty.
I'm at work the second day of my last attempt. I'm chewing the gum. I hate it. I'm pacing the floor. A co-worker who had quit a year earlier said "Why don't you try the patches?" I said "Aww, those things don't work do they?" She said "They did for me. Here - I've got one left in my purse that I've carried around. You take it."
I put the patch in my pocket and forgot about it. I said "I'll think about it. Thanks."
I smoked two cigarettes that day.
Well - that night I was laying in bed tossing and turning and basically tearing the bed apart trying to get through the night when I remembered that patch. I got up, found the patch, and put it on. I went back to bed. I could feel the nicotine spread from the patch down my arm, then around my left side and down my leg, a sort of warm glow... I woke up the next morning with a good night's sleep. I got ready for work, jumped in my rig, and was half of the 15 miles I drove to work every day when it hit me - "Damn! I haven't even thought about smoking a cigarette yet this morning!"
When I got to work - I called my wife & said "Go buy me a box of those patches. I think they're going to work." She was thrilled & rushed right out and bought a box of the patches (they're cheaper than the cigarettes - so no complaints about the cost.) I wore the patches every day as directed, then "stepped down" as suggested. Each time I "stepped down" I noticed would be irritable and shaky for the first day, but it would pass. By the end of the - or 4 week program of patches, I was off of them.
What the patches did was curtail the nicotine withdrawal symptoms so that I could concentrate on the "habit" stuff: reaching for my cigarettes in my shirt pocket; reaching for a cigarette whenever I got in my rig to go somewhere; lighting up after a meal; smoking while talking on the phone, yada yada.
By the time I was on the lowest patch level, I was no longer reaching for the cigarettes all the time. I had broken the "habit" and was about to break the nicotine addiction. I used Lifesavers and other hard candy as a substitute - whenever I "reached" for a cigarette, I grabbed a Lifesaver, and that satisfied the "habit" until I didn't have to reach any more.
Hooray! I've been a non-smoker ever since - 5 years now, and it seems now like I've never smoked. I no longer wheeze at night. My endurance and stamina have come back. I can work in the barn with the horses and not get winded while putting up hay, feeding, clearing weeds, etc. It's great! My buddy that tried the patches & decided they didn't work. He then had a heart attack resulting in a six-way bypass. He no longer smokes, but he only quit because he would die if he didn't. I'm glad I didn't have to go through that!
I had to stay out of the clubs, the restaurants, and away from my smoking friends for the first few months, but now I can hang with them. My best support was my wife. But I had friends who were willing to help by not smoking around me - and by waiting for me to get smoke free.
I'm sorry this message was so long, but I hope it can help someone else who's trying to quit.
-- DCG