How do I attach a photo to an email???

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Phoenix, AZ
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Before I get flack for asking a question that has been asked before, I did click on the bar beside the title box that says "Has this been asked before?" It worked as well as it always does, which is to say it didn't.

"The search term you specified (do) is under the minimum word length (3) and therefore will not be found. Please make this term longer.
If this term contains a wildcard, please make this term more specific."

No matter how I word the question, it always gives this answer.

Anyway, that was just a bonus complaint. My real question is asked in the title. I can't find a way to attach anything to an email. What am I doing wrong?

BTW, Love the Board!! I've learned a lot, tons, bunches from it. I know that any question I have about diving will be answered here with no BS. So aside from the "Has this been asked before" thing, it's all great.

If Don is right and you do mean how do you attach it to a scubaboard PM, I don't know that you can "attach" a picture but you can embed one (the picture will show up in the body of the message).

You would have to sign up for photo sharing like don said. I use Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket, but there is also flicka, picasa, etc. Upload the image to whatever photosharing website you are using. The image will appear with 4 lines of code underneath. The last one will say "Img code". You highlight whatever is in that box, copy it, then paste it into the Private Message. This is also how you post pictures into a thread on SB.

There is a way to resize it on photobucket in case it is a giant picture...but photobucket recently changed that function around and now whenever I try to do it I get an error message about flash something or other and it closes out my internet I just let it be whatever size it wants now.

As for the "has this question been asked". The problem you are getting is that the words you have are too short (not three letters). The better way to do that is to use the "search" field first, and just use a couple key words that are more than three letters...for example you could have searched for --attach* pictures-- and --attach* photo*-- The * is a wildcard so that you will get "attach" "attached" "attaching" and "photo" "photos" "photographs" etc. You can also use the wildcard if the word is only two letters, for example --How do*-- Then if you can't find the answer in the search, you don't need to worry about checking whether or not the question has been asked.

Oh btw, this is just my .02, a mod will probably be along to officially answer your question shortly.

When you write a PM, you can click "My Pics" on the lower right and attach (embed) any pictures that you have already uploaded to the SB photo gallery. Just click the picture of choice and it will attach a thumbnail link to the full picture, like this:

If you go into the message and edit out the word "/thumb" in the body of your message, it will display the picture full size, like this:

The recipient of the message can then right click on the image and save it to their computer HHD.

This will work with any image accessible on the internet (like, as mentioned, PhotoBucket), by sandwiching the address between "[IMG']" and [/IMG]"

PM sent to you for example.
What's interesting is that afaik, this question has never been asked on SB as I just tried a few different iterations of the question with no useful results.

An easier way to search SB if you have multiple short words is to use Google. Like this:

attaching a photo to a PM

The directs google to just search this site. It works for any short terms like BC etc.
Steve doesn't seem to have any pics on SB Gallery, and when I have tried that - I got totally lost

You would have to sign up for photo sharing like don said. I use Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket, but there is also flicka, picasa, etc. Upload the image to whatever photosharing website you are using. The image will appear with 4 lines of code underneath. The last one will say "Img code". You highlight whatever is in that box, copy it, then paste it into the Private Message. This is also how you post pictures into a thread on SB.
Yep, except that can vary with settings, as you can turn any of those off. I never used the top one, whatever it is, so I did. The IMG codes is for message boards like SB, the Html code works on Myspace, and the Url code works where those two don't likle emails, and IMs.
There is a way to resize it on photobucket in case it is a giant picture...but photobucket recently changed that function around and now whenever I try to do it I get an error message about flash something or other and it closes out my internet I just let it be whatever size it wants now.
OOooooo. I like that one, keep mine set on 640 wide so the pics won't blow of the width of the thread, PM, MS bulletin, whatever. I haven't had any problems? :confused: You might need to update your Adobe Flash, or let me know exactly what the error messaage says, ok?



First question is do you really mean email or do you mean a PM or a post to Scubaboard?

If you mean attaching/embedding a photo to a post there are several ways to do it.

1. To imbed a picture in a post you can do as DivingPrincessE so aptly described but you will need to have your photos stored on some photo sharing site. Here is the thread that I started when I wasn't able to figure out how to do this.

2. Another option is to upload your photos to the Scubaboard Photo Gallery and then link to them.

3. Or you have the option of adding an attachment when sending a post to Scubaboard by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and selecting "Manage attachments". In this case the attachment will show up at the end of your post like below.

If you mean adding a photo to a PM Rick Inman did a good job of explaining something that I didn't even know was a function of Scubaboard.
Thanks all for your advice. Yes, I mean attaching a pic to a PM on SB. I will uploas the pictures and embed them per Rick's advice. He sent me a PM with the photo shown in his post. As usual with ScubaBoard; "Ask and ye shall receive."

As for the "asked before" thing, the only three letter word in the question was the word "How". All the others had more than three letters. I think the search through google is probably the better option.

Thanks again.

As for the "asked before" thing, the only three letter word in the question was the word "How". All the others had more than three letters. I think the search through google is probably the better option.

Thanks again.


The three letter words are ok, it's the two letter words that SB doesn't like. So if you had your current title when you tried to search, the following words would have caused the problem: do, I, a, to, an. In your original post you said the it highlighted the word "do" a the problem, probably because it was the first two letter word. I agree that google is probably the best option, unless you get too many hits...then go with the "title" search here on SB.

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