I'll probably get ripped a new one for this, but I did my first solo dive as my 8th dive.
Went with my GF/Dive buddy to an easy local spot to do 2 dives each. After the first dive and during the SI my GF told me she didn't feel like doing the second dive because she was too cold. OK i said, lets sit here for a while in the sun before we pack up.....
I pondered back and forth going solo, we had 2 more full rented tanks in the car and I wasn't cold.
I wasn't 100% comfortable, because I wouldn't have any redundant air, but the site is shallow max 40', and I had 2 cutting devices. After going back and forth with myself I decided the added risk was worth the reward.
Now for the most risky part, broaching the subject with my GF Dive buddy.
Surprisingly enough she said: "I could tell you were thinking about it", she said if it were her or anyone else she wouldn't recommend it. But because it was me and she knows me well "If you want to do it, go ahead. All i want to do is sit in the sun and get warm"
So I geared up and off I went.
The only mistake was not telling her how long I would be down. But our longest dive up to that point had been 45 mins, so I surfaced at 45 mins. Next time I would let her know in advance. "I'm glad you came up when you did, I was wondering how long after 45 mins I should alert the authorities" is all she said.
It was a great dive! So much more relaxing only having to be concerned with myself and my gas. No checking for my buddy every minute.
I have since bought a 19cuft pony to sling if I go solo again, for the added 1st stage and 100% gas redundancy. My GF is often not available to dive, so it may become a regular thing for me.
I should mention that I am not risk averse, having almost 1000 skydives, raced cars, and crossed the Atlantic in a single engine Cessna plus 16k + hours in other aircraft. (I wouldn't do the single engine Ocean thing again though, once was plenty, I got the reward but it wouldn't be worth it for a second time)
Its totally a risk vs reward ratio for me.
I have seen some of the instabuddy candidates on a vacation dive boat, and at local sites, I wasn't overly impressed, plus reading scubaboard instabuddy horror stories. I'd rather dive alone, unless I can find someone I feel comfortable with other than my GF.
Went with my GF/Dive buddy to an easy local spot to do 2 dives each. After the first dive and during the SI my GF told me she didn't feel like doing the second dive because she was too cold. OK i said, lets sit here for a while in the sun before we pack up.....
I pondered back and forth going solo, we had 2 more full rented tanks in the car and I wasn't cold.
I wasn't 100% comfortable, because I wouldn't have any redundant air, but the site is shallow max 40', and I had 2 cutting devices. After going back and forth with myself I decided the added risk was worth the reward.
Now for the most risky part, broaching the subject with my GF Dive buddy.
Surprisingly enough she said: "I could tell you were thinking about it", she said if it were her or anyone else she wouldn't recommend it. But because it was me and she knows me well "If you want to do it, go ahead. All i want to do is sit in the sun and get warm"
So I geared up and off I went.
The only mistake was not telling her how long I would be down. But our longest dive up to that point had been 45 mins, so I surfaced at 45 mins. Next time I would let her know in advance. "I'm glad you came up when you did, I was wondering how long after 45 mins I should alert the authorities" is all she said.
It was a great dive! So much more relaxing only having to be concerned with myself and my gas. No checking for my buddy every minute.
I have since bought a 19cuft pony to sling if I go solo again, for the added 1st stage and 100% gas redundancy. My GF is often not available to dive, so it may become a regular thing for me.
I should mention that I am not risk averse, having almost 1000 skydives, raced cars, and crossed the Atlantic in a single engine Cessna plus 16k + hours in other aircraft. (I wouldn't do the single engine Ocean thing again though, once was plenty, I got the reward but it wouldn't be worth it for a second time)
Its totally a risk vs reward ratio for me.
I have seen some of the instabuddy candidates on a vacation dive boat, and at local sites, I wasn't overly impressed, plus reading scubaboard instabuddy horror stories. I'd rather dive alone, unless I can find someone I feel comfortable with other than my GF.