Well, let's see, black(fish)net, since you do not use your spell check or Webster's, why do you say that "nark" is correct? Not to put to fine a point on it (as Charles Dickens was prone to say), the word from which "narc" or "nark" would be derived is narcosis, not narkosis(sic). But, I guess I could have asked, "Is narked or narced a real word?" The answer, I suspect, in both cases would be, no..or nope..or naw.
Warhammer, I did that once, knew (That can be easily disputed!)what I was doing and my buddy was, as they say somewhere, attached to my hip. We were going down for a quick look. He was my "Pony" and I was his. Oh yeah, I reboarded the boat with 700lbs air and in the green.
But, please do not fear, I do not plan to do that again...and if I do, I will call you and get all the right gear--heck, I'll take you along as my paid consultant.
Hey, this is a first! I am writing this remotely using my son's laptop! Man, have I joined the Pepsi Generation or not! I even remembered my password!
Joewr--signing off to play with my wonderful granddaughter (1 yr 9 mos) who will probably be able to do this next year---you young guys....wow!