How China and the United States are different!

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North Carolina
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200 - 499
Several years ago my company hired a young (age 23) lady directly out of graduate school who was from mainland China. She worked for us for four years and we were her introduction to American Culture. She later accepted a position in California and worked there for several years. She recently called to say that she was moving back to China but wanted to thank us for the opportunity we provided and she also wanted to share how she believed China and the United States were different and why she thought the United States was better for the average person (the commoner).

#1. As a culture Americans believe in God. According to her observations it does not matter if there is a God or not - our belief give us hope that our lives have value and that tomorow will be a better day. The Chinese people do not have that hope.

#2. We have credit cards. By that she meant that we have access to capital and if used properly we (the commoner) can finance our dreams. The Chinese people (the commoners) do not have this opportunity.

It was her opinion that these were the two things that allowed the United States to come out on top.

I thought this was insightful and that I would share.
The United States is on "top", she will probably send you and update when she gets back to China?
When it comes to products we make, some companies don't believe cheaper is better.

US made Stainless Steel doesn't immediately rust on exposure to salt water

US made chain and wire rope breaks at 3-5 times rated break strength, not less than breaking strength
Space programs are very different also...

In the US space program TANG is a powdered drink developed for astronauts

In the chinese space program, well.... TANG IS the astronaut :)
A close friend of mine from Shanghai, who has lived in the States or the West for the past 12 years or more, had planned to retire in her home country. She is reconsidering that in part because of concerns about the food supply and quality there. Neither she nor I like melamine in our meals. As bad as our food supply can be at times, it is still much better than many other countries... and a big advantage.
#1. As a culture Americans believe in God. According to her observations it does not matter if there is a God or not - our belief give us hope that our lives have value and that tomorow will be a better day. The Chinese people do not have that hope.

#2. We have credit cards. By that she meant that we have access to capital and if used properly we (the commoner) can finance our dreams. The Chinese people (the commoners) do not have this opportunity.

Thanks for sharing the outsider's view. Unfortunately, the latter may very well destroy our society. Have you seen tv lately? Sooo many shows that make the winner a millionaire, Rich housewives behaving like childish schoolgirls, rampant credit irresponsibility, etc. China doesn't have that problem, either. I think they cherish values, we cherish money.

Space programs are very different also...

In the US space program TANG is a powdered drink developed for astronauts

In the chinese space program, well.... TANG IS the astronaut :)

Holy crap!!! That was too damn funny!! :rofl3:
there is something to this

i don't think "God" is exactly right. but there is certainly a spirit in American culture that "you can do it." success is not a possibility; it's an expectation. people are not happy making $50,000 if they can make $100,000. upward mobility, abundant natural resources, and a culture based on individual aspirations are very powerful.

China's culture is much, much more conservative. family and tradition are more important than the individual. being content with your lot in life is a way of life. that is not to say the Chinese can't be entrepeneurs, it's just not something with which they grow up (think lemonade stand ... in China? Girl Scout cookies?)

the other part, credit, is also huge. the Chinese save a lot. A LOT. they stress living within your means and saving money for the future. the concept of borrowing is really not something the culture rewards

not so in the US. we have uber easy bankruptcy laws (you owe a ton of money? ok, here you go ... blank check, start again). that simple difference allows individuals and businesses in the US to try and try and fail and try again. this allows for a lot more success stories

both cultures have their pluses, both have their minuses

this is overly simplified, but a fascinating subject
When it comes to products we make, some companies don't believe cheaper is better.

US made Stainless Steel doesn't immediately rust on exposure to salt water

US made chain and wire rope breaks at 3-5 times rated break strength, not less than breaking strength

US made drywall doesn't release acids that cause pipes and metal fittings to erode and massive amounts of mold to form. People that bought new homes or had major renovations done over the last 6 years are in for major problems. One development in SW FL was looking at having to gut and redrywall (plus a lot of plumbing) over 200 homes.
there is something to this

i don't think "God" is exactly right. but there is certainly a spirit in American culture that "you can do it." success is not a possibility; it's an expectation. people are not happy making $50,000 if they can make $100,000. upward mobility, abundant natural resources, and a culture based on individual aspirations are very powerful.

China's culture is much, much more conservative. family and tradition are more important than the individual. being content with your lot in life is a way of life. that is not to say the Chinese can't be entrepeneurs, it's just not something with which they grow up (think lemonade stand ... in China? Girl Scout cookies?)

the other part, credit, is also huge. the Chinese save a lot. A LOT. they stress living within your means and saving money for the future. the concept of borrowing is really not something the culture rewards

not so in the US. we have uber easy bankruptcy laws (you owe a ton of money? ok, here you go ... blank check, start again). that simple difference allows individuals and businesses in the US to try and try and fail and try again. this allows for a lot more success stories

both cultures have their pluses, both have their minuses

this is overly simplified, but a fascinating subject

First bold: Which is a downfall of our nation....because the "keeping up with the jones'" mentality is causing so many to be motivated by money/greed rather than being happy.

Second bold: This also causes for immense debt. That's why China is rapidly "buying" the US. Between the amount of our debt that is owed them and the number of large corporations they own here in the states, they're buying us.
Beyond much of what has been said here the US has a great advantage over almost every other nation it is OK to try and fail in the US.

We do not look down on an individual who takes a risk and fails as long as they try again and many will pick themselves back up and give it another go and many succeed. For proof of this just look at the failure rate of small businesses in the US, we just do not talk about it as a problem.

In other countries you can be ruined for life for failing. So, they are just not the risk takers cultural wise that is needed for a truly entrepreneurial business style. And it is small start ups that generate the major amounts of growth in job creation and wealth in the US.

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