Are you trying to dox me? Hah, j/k. However, this is a pretty good description of what I have. V10 E350. It has a towing transmission, but somehow the sticker says practically no towing capacity. My car is a RWD sports-car, so shouldn't be flat-towed. Covered trailer would be awesome, but then I'd have to store the trailer each time I move, since RV parks usually don't have the space.5-6 for an E350 or E450 isn't unheard-of for~ 30 ft class C motor homes. My parents had them growing up and the gassers were always crap for mileage. That's reason #2 I'll stick with truck and trailer. #1 is that there is almost always something wrong with the damn thing when you go to leave. Registration is also more expensive vs a trailer.
Since buying it, I've decided I would be MUCH better off with a pickup-truck, and separate 5th wheel trailer-rv. Now, I have to convince myself to sell the car and motorhome, and buy a truck + 5th wheel instead. The alternative is replacing the car with a "toy" (Polaris RZR or something similar), towed behind the motorhome. Also vehicle-maintenance is a pain, you have to take it to a place that services commercial-trucks usually.
Also, in terms of RVs, trailers are SO much cheaper, common, and usually more spacious than an equivalent motorhome. For what I paid, I could easily swap for a newer pickup truck, larger/nicer RV-trailer, and have money-left over. Whenever I arrive somewhere, I detach the truck, and have a vehicle I can actually use; versus a motorhome you would prefer to not move if you don't have to.