House rental - NW Costa rica - Suggestions?

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near Kingston, ON
Looking to rent a house/condo for a 2-3 month stay in Northern Costa Rica (near Playas del Coco if possible). Timing depends on the new addition to the family - probably Oct-Dec of 2005.

The criteria:
2 (or 3) bedrooms
maid service,security,etc NOT needed
gringo-friendly area (my spanish is not adequate)
hot and cold water

Please PM me or reply at your convenience. Thanks.
Hmmm just do a yahoo search on house/condo rentals in playa del coco. that will give you alot of places...
I just got back from there and did some diving they are entering in their rainy season now. Everyday from 200 PM to 700 Pm and even longer it would rain. this caused very bad Viz on the two days I went diving the wind turned thing up. So my advise is find out the seasons down there you could be going during rainy season. If your not an aggresive driver you will be the roads are ruff and driving well you will see. Good Luck.
The best time to go to Costa Rica is from Jan. to diving is in March, April. and yes, the driving there is a bit tough..rough should i say.
I just got back from there and did some diving they are entering in their rainy season now. Everyday from 200 PM to 700 Pm and even longer it would rain. this caused very bad Viz on the two days I went diving the wind turned thing up. So my advise is find out the seasons down there you could be going during rainy season. If your not an aggresive driver you will be the roads are ruff and driving well you will see. Good Luck.

I forgot about the viz issues. Although I'm a Canuck and used to craptastic conditions it would be nice to be able to see the pretty shark that is about to gnaw on my tank.
I guess I can wait until winter-spring. I didn't want to be competing with the high tourist season as I wanted to do some non-scuba activities on top of my DM course.

Thanks for the warning about the driving - I was thinking motocross bike and this helps me enormously.

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