I don’t think you’d need undergarments, just a swim suit. Your body would be surrounded with warm water so flooded undergarments would serve no purpose.
What about donning a crushed neoprene drysuit then filling it with body temp water 98.6 degrees and building a water pump with a battery operated heating element with a thermostat that would circulate the water and keep it at a constant temp for the duration of the dive. There would be no need for a weightbelt and the ballast wing would be used minimally just to compensate for the gas used in the tank.
I suppose it would be murder to try and deal with a suit full of water topside so flooding would have to take place as the diver enters the water. Water could be filled into the suit via the neck seal until the suit is full. Air would be displaced as water enters the suit. Getting out of the water would be another challenge, but just think how luxurious it would be to dive in bathtub warm water in a 48 degree ocean.