Hot Pink Force Fins?

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Hey everyone! I just got my force fins yesterday!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED! They are so amazing, I couldn't believe I actually owned them =) I need to name them, any ideas?

Normally I swim for 20 mins, non stop doing laps as part of my workout. I used my fins for the first time yesterday, I swam for over an hour and a half without any fatigue, muscle cramps, or pains. I must have done at least 40 laps more than I usually do. It was fantastic... but, the best part is I wasn't even tired. I had to take them off and swim just to get a workout in.

I will be posting some pictures this evening. =)

Thank you Bob and Blair! I love 'em.
I swam for 4 hours today. Almost constantly. I have been practicing some free diving techniques at my local pool, depth of around 13 feet. No pains, No fatigue, and No cramps! Just a naturally feeling swim, much like the fin was an actual extension of my leg.

My favorite thing to do is to sink to the bottom while equalizing, then swim along the bottom with my FF like a shark. It is so much fun, not to mention the amount of quarters dropped... laundry anyone? Overall, I feel fine. a 4 hour workout in my forcefins is about the equivalent of a decent 1 hour workout on land. I am amazed, truly, as to how fantastic these are.

I noticed that I get more power from swimming at a constant, yet firm pace rather than kicking as hard as I can. I grew up swimming like a dolphin, so naturally, I know how to use a mono-fin. When I clacked my heels together, I could've beat Dorothy back to Kansas any day. Using them in a mono-fin fashion works very proficiently. I loved swimming on my back just to see them bend and snap back up.

I am straight, so naturally, going with pink, I thought would raise a few brows and questions, but instead I have gotten comments from both sides saying how awesome they are. I've only had 2 people say they were a little funky.

I attached some pictures in a natural light. -Enjoy


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I read this post about four weeks ago and decided I'd try a pair of the SlimFins to replace my Zoomers for pool workouts after reading your post and a few others.


I felt fantastic after 1000 yards. No cramps, great pacing, and they feel a heck of a lot better then the Zoomers.
Thiad, Thanks for giving the Slim Fin a workout. Last week some one had left a pair of Zoomers on the pool deck. I swim Masters program here in Santa Barbara each morning at 6:00am. I thought it might be a good idea to try them again..and I went half way down the lane and turned back. It's really a day and night difference for me. It had been a least ten years since I had used them. Plan to video what's happening so we can educate others to our toes free Slim Fin. All our best.
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Thanks for taking the time to try out the Original Force Fin it was a pleasure helping you. Your feedback is much appreciated and I am glad we got you into the right fin for you. When people at the pool say your fins look funky you can tell them we look different because we are different. All the best to you and your time in the water!

Great to hear you are now comfortable when you work out with fins. Here is to your next 1000 yards.
Hey guys, it's been a little while! I have some news too! A). My fins are pro. there is no other way to say it. I have been swimming between 2-4 hours Mon-Sat since I got them. They are perfect in every way.
B) I leave for Hawaii in 11 days and will be starting a new Hawaii thread complete with pictures and videos in 720 and 1080p! I am super excited and cannot wait to show everyone.
Again we are glad to hear your fins are perfect for you and your water activity, truly sounds like a great fit. Have a great time in Hawaii and we look forward to hearing and seeing videos from your trip.

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