@psiborg1812, What purpose do you have in mind for your Sherwood reg? They're not suitable for using on a stage bottle, as you'll find out in your tek class, because they will slowly bleed off the pressure once you charge them.
Also, you titled this thread "hopeful wreck diver" so I'd like to ask a question back, which is, do you think you must be tek trained to dive on wrecks? There are many are some wrecks and some activities on wrecks that will require more training but many wrecks can be dived perfectly well without tek training....
You can't really do much equipment wise with $1000 for Tech Diving. That will basically cover a set of doubles new. I'd say look around for a deal on a used set of doubles, and get the BP/W if you haven't already.
The Sherwood reg is nice (I own several), but not ideal for stage use as it has the dry bleed, and that will mask potential real leaks. It also de-pressurizes over time when you have the valve turned off, which is not ideal, but not a deal breaker (My stages lose pressure all the time when I bump the purge anyway.)
With the regs etc already covered...then I think 1000 bucks could be sufficient if used gear is obtained. Ebay is great for this...especially in the Tech market, where people are constantly trading up their gear.
It does get expensive however, when you start getting precise about refining the small things. Having to put bolt clips here and there... buying different length hp and ip hoses.... spares... an extra knife/shears.... wetnotes... slates.... tank decals....
...and then you want to purchase a suitable reel...that in itself could blow your budget in a single blow....
Getting the right advice...and seeing it done first hand...before..making purchases will save a fortune in that respect.
Thanks for the Sherwood heads up guys! A friend gave it to me and although I was planning on using it for a stage bottle I have not gotten it serviced yet or tried it out in the pool. *embarrassed* whoops!
Diver0001: I'd like to do wreck penetration and deep wrecks, though i do understand that there are many wrecks that are shallow enough to not need tech training to dive on. However, ever since i read about people diving wrecks like the Andrea Doria and the Empress of Ireland, and going inside them to explore, the idea of doing that just has been stuck in my mind!
Thank you for all the excellent advice guys, especially about the used gear and the little stuff!