Josh what day next week and which lake besides Trial?
I can't promise to be ready in a week. :depressed:
We're thinking Wednesday, since we've got a fellow (Chris) who is only off work Wed and Thurs, and Rick is usually busy with work on Thursdays himself.
If you look at Trial Lake in Google Maps, you'll see a whole mess of lakes in that area. I'm thinking Washington or Wall Lake, being in very close proximity. If neither of those work out, there's always Mirror Lake that we know has been dived before.
Art, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't DiveAddicts also rent out a BP/W setup? Might be a little pricey, but worth it to get you in the water. Nitrogen should never be fully de-sorbed from the bloodstream. That leads to Surface Stabilization Illness.

And to the OP, you're more than welcome to join us as well, provided you can find adequate exposure. We recommend a 7mil with hood and gloves around here, or rent a drysuit if you're trained. Sorry to hijack your thread!!