....late to the party, apologies.
The subject of defoggers is close to our hearts since my company make them for a living. 2 years in research and development before our first launch earlier this year. The subject is not that simple, and I've got a PhD in chemistry too.
The solutions provided by everyone here are quick, easy and cheap, but all dont really address the major challenges of a good quality defog which are mainly humidity resistance, wash off resistance (the so called 'all day' antifogs that we hear about), smear characteristics on glass, hazards to eyes and skin, ease of use etc etc
Shower gels or dishwashing detergents dont give these characteristcs. We've tested a lot of combinations in our lab and the real world. We suggest using them by all means, but not as a permanent replacement for a good quality defog.
In the past commercial defoggers have gained a bad reputation because apparently in use there was no difference between them and your standard household detergent. We found that too. Probably 90% of commercial defoggers are no better than shower gel.
Visit our website at
www.salclear.com, look at Salclear AquaSport, and see what we've got to offer. Hopefully we can demonstrate that we know what we are talking about, and that perhaps we can make something which can't be substituted by something in your bathroom or kitchen.