I'm in the market for a new computer. I currently have a Hollis DG03 and I want an OLED screened computer. ScubaToys has the Hollis DG05, that I didn't even know existed, on sale for $549.99. Is it a good computer and worth my money? I've been waiting on the Dive Rite Nitek Q go on sale again for 499.99 but then I came across this.
---------- Post added April 26th, 2015 at 01:07 PM ----------
Nevermind. I just found out I'll have to pay sales tax if I get the DG05 so it would cost me the same as the Dive Rite.
---------- Post added April 26th, 2015 at 01:07 PM ----------
Nevermind. I just found out I'll have to pay sales tax if I get the DG05 so it would cost me the same as the Dive Rite.