Hollis 212 vs Hollis 500SE

Hollis 500SE/DC7 vs Hollis 212/DC1 for Sidemount

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Hi Buddies!

My first post here...

Since some time I am looking into tec diving and I am about to finish my tec 40 course soon.
I am putting together a sidemount kit and I can't find out if I should go for 2x Hollis 212 with DC1 or 2x Hollis 500SE with DC7.

Regards the 500SE, I really like the idea of getting bubbles out of my view and the possibility of having left and right positioning (no upside down), which would give me more options in configuring the gear for sidemount.

On the other hand a tec diving instructor told me not to go for it as it would be "free flowing a lot". What I found out from my research is that it is only free flowing when entering the water without submerging the 2nd stage first because of the over-balanced diaphragm, is that correct?

From my experience I would say the DC1 is better to streamline the hoses towards the body of the diver compared to the DC7. Would do you think? Would it be possible to use the 500SE on the DC1?

As well, I read that you have to break some parts of the 500SE design to be able to attach an angle adapter, is that true?

Here my summery so far:

Pro 500SE/DC7 compared to 212/DC1:
- Easy to breath
- Bubbles out of the view
- Left and right positioning

Contra 500SE/DC7 compared to 212/DC1:
- Free flowing 2 stage when not correct submerged
- DC7 not as streamlined as DC1
- Break parts of 500SE to attach angle adapter

Am I somehow right with my research? What is your experience?

Would you go for for 500SE/DC7, 212/DC1 or even 500SE/DC1?

Thanks in advance for helpful replies!
Have you looked at the 212 DC3? No significant different from the DC1, and the DC3 is heavily discounted right now, since it got discontinued. I got them for my double set, for only $100 a piece, and have no complaints.
Have you looked at the 212 DC3? No significant different from the DC1, and the DC3 is heavily discounted right now, since it got discontinued. I got them for my double set, for only $100 a piece, and have no complaints.

That's a very good price! Did you buy them online, I can find them only for around 350? Are you sure it's not the 221/DC3?

The only DC1/DC3 differences are less pressure ports on the DC3, right?
honestly, unless you're getting hollis for a specific reason, i.e. shop is a hollis dealer, you really like Nick and want to give him business, whatever, if you want side exhaust, buy Poseidons. You're not going to save any money by buying new 500se's, and the Xstreams don't have the problems, they've been around for a long time, and while finding good service isn't quite as easy as Hollis from a brand perspective, you can at least buy the kits and learn to do it yourself. They're not nearly as difficult as people claim. The service itself is easier than most regulators, the adjustment takes a few tricks and one special tool that's like $20, but it's still pretty easy once you learn the secret handshake.

I'm a Jetstream fan, but the Xstream is more similar in form factor and looks to the 500se, but much higher quality.


They don't have a dedicated sidemount package for the Xstream for some reason, but it would be right around $1200usd, and $1000usd for the Jetstreams. I prefer Jetstream due to the dive predive switch, as well as the larger overall size since I'm a big guy.
I'd get Hog D3/Zenith Sidemount set. Hollis regs just don't impress me a bit. The Hollis 500SE/DC7s are alright, but the "reversible" aspect is far from necessary.

If you work for a dive shop and need to get Hollis regs, go DC1/212....do NOT get a DC3 for sidemount, you need the turret of the DC1. If you don't HAVE to get Hollis regs, get Hogs.
I go with Tbone. I am about to invest in a Poseidon Xtream single tank long hose/bungied backup setup. You go with the 500SE or the Poseidon not just for the side exhaust, but for the servo valve design with its effortless breathing that seems to deliver unlimited gas under any sort of effort or depth. I and many others notice the difference, others do not or don't like the feeling that the reg "feeds" you air with almost no inhalation effort on your part. I used to dive Tekna and Oceanic Omega servo regs and am very much looking forward to getting this type of reg again, even over my Apeks XTX 200s (which I expect will be for sale here shortly).
I'd actually recommend the turret first stage of the DC1 and the Side exhaust regulator of the 500 SE.... But that's me...
care to explain your not so humble opinion? and why they are not good for sidemount use?

Although you didn't ask me I addressed the issue in my post which precedes this one.

Because the DC7 is fixed- it lacks the turret which rotates in the DC1. Because of the this hose routing can be difficult. If you are using forward or up facing SPGs you are limited in the HP positions you can use - if u are also using a redundant AI with them it becomes impossible to streamline without adding a 90 degree adapter- which a) does not always thread to sit exactly where you want it flush and b) creating an additional potential failure point.

The first stage is simply not ideal for the sm configuration. Breathes great- great environmental seal, but not flexible enough in hp/LP port locations.

Fairly simple explanation for anyone who's done more than 5 sidemount dives to fathom.

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