Holiday greetings thread

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Happy Father's Day! (Had to get in early to beat the rush! Besides, the thread was starting to collect dust!) :D
Head Jaanipäeva! (also Mid-summer's Day, June 23)

This is the biggest holiday for Estonians. Traditionally celebrated by having a bonfire and partying all night (which is quite easy to do even when there was no electricity because you have sunlight until almost mid-night and then it is twilight until about 2:30-3:00am when it starts getting light again.)

It was a celebration to mark the break in the summer when all the planting had been done but still a time before the harvest. Lots of fertility rites were participated in. The biggest tradition is, as mentioned, the bonfire(s). Additionally, the "jumping over the fire" idea/stunt was also a major part. The bigger the fire, the greater the protection from evil spirits. If you didn't have a fire then your home would be destroyed by fire, or so they believed.

The Catholics, as is their modus operandi, tried to "Christianize" this entirely pagan fertility/witchraft celebration and called it "St. John's Day". :shakehead:

Already the biggest event of the year, it was on this day in 1919 that the Estonians defeated the Germans in their first War of Independence which created yet another reason for celebration. Consequently, Jaanipäev has been inexorably linked to this event every since.

We'll of course be spending it quietly with friends. ;)
Okay, let's see... how can I get white to show up at all here?... Hmm... Oh, wait, I know!
Happy Independence Day!
(Saturday, July 4, 2009)

Happy Independence Day!
Just remember: No fireworks while diving. (The concussive force is dangerous to your hearing and possibly to your internal organs, not to mention your gear.) That said, if fireworks are legal in your area, *definitely* blow some stuff up! :D
Happy Canada Day = July 1st.

Happy Birthday, Canada.
Okay, let's see... how can I get white to show up at all here?... Hmm... Oh, wait, I know!Just remember: No fireworks while diving. (The concussive force is dangerous to your hearing and possibly to your internal organs, not to mention your gear.) That said, if fireworks are legal in your area, *definitely* blow some stuff up! :D

I'd love to see a tank explode.......:D:D:D
Monday, August 3rd, 2009. Happy Simcoe Day. Here is to John Graves Simcoe; First Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada and founder of York (now Toronto; amazed how many Torontoians don't know this but get the day off each year).
Happy Friendship day, August 2nd (or the first Sunday in August on other years)

Spend the day with your friends. Or buddies. Do things together that friends do.

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