If you can't hold your depth at 100ft, you can't hold it at 10ft. ..
Actually I have seen many divers with dry suits that can hold depth well below 30 feet but in the 30-0 foot range have a lot of trouble keeping the bubble expansion under control. Lets face it, in a dry suit at 100-150 feet you can bounce up or down 10-15 feet without a problem on lung volume alone and never put into or dump any air from a dry suit. But above 30 feet just take a lot more control as the bubble and buoyancy changes happen a lot quicker.
But people are going over and over the precision of holding a stop, that +- thing when on many dives the accuracy of the stop is not so good for any number of reasons. On a anchor line deco from some of the larger boats you can have any number of divers trying to hit that magic 30/20/10 foot stop. This is where the jon line can be real helpful as you can string out a number of divers at the same depth or if you are in a deco traffic jam, just pull the stops lower by 5 or more feet.