I have (and currently use) the 3 styles of BP harnesses. The HOG, a Deluxe and 2 transplates. I have a few different BP & wing combinations and I have each rigged a bit differently
To be honest I rarely dive the HOG. The only difference with the Deluxe vs. the HOG is that there is one disconnect on the left shoulder with the Deluxe. For me, when exiting the rig in a drysuit it is much easier to un-clip and slide out. No pushing or pulling to get past my wrist compass or drysuit valve.
I also happen to like the Transplates, no so much for the adjustability, but more for the orientation of the shoulder straps. Since the shoulder straps go to a metal plate on waist webbing vs. going more rearward to the lower part of the backplate; I find the strap position much more comfortable and easy to enter/exist than the more traditional styles. In fact I never use the shoulder disconnects on the Transplates due to this fact. I would bet a lot of HOG advocates have never even tried such a harness, but yet make comments regarding their suitability. I use the Transplate rigs for warm water and travel.
But in the end it is each to his own