I'm not sure why you're isolating this incident to HOG regs as I have know quite a few that have had this problem (the Mares Proton comes immediately to mind).
Out of curiosity did you try just depressing the but again? The simply motion of the button being actuated often removes the small debris. I've never had a this (or any other) problem with my HOG regs, but my proton used to do this constantly. My solution was 2 fold
1. During beach entries (or any other) I made sure my reg never touched the ground
2. When it free flowed I worked the purge button repeatedly until actuated smoothly again (usually 3 or 4 quick depresses did the trick)
Also removing the face plate of a reg isn't a big deal for most people and the HOGs are designed with field serviceability in mind (as any good tech reg should be).
No I was not isolating this to the HOG but the PO was addressing his HOG situation. I actually had a HOG, LegendXL and a SP reg. all were tried during this dive.
I did try multiple depressions of the perge button on all. Some times it worked but sometimes it didnot clear the FF.
If there is a good surf going at entry and exit sand will be an issue possibly as it will be floating and can get into the regs.
Opening a reg faceplate is a big deal for a lot of recreational divers. Remember this is not the tech section and a lot of divers just dive, rinse and dive again. If they have an issue they drop them at the shop to fix. I wish all divers had to do some basic maint as part of dive training. I see People al the time that are afraid to change a hose. The other day I was on a boat at the dock and a diver had a problem with a hose and SPG that was lose and he wanted to call the dive and take it to a shop. I opend my kit and fixed it for him in 2 min and he thought that was great but was worried that a shop tech did ot do it. We tested it at the dive site and then he was comfortable to dive..... Dive saved. He had been diving for 6+ years.....