I worked as a service manager for a number of years, and I would rather have a technician that gave a damn and figured things out, than one who thought their superior training and tools made them an automotive guru. We used to laugh at the Wunder Kids who came to us fresh out of auto service tech school and couldn't figure out anything that their superior training hadn't covered in minute detail. It was obvious that a number of them saw auto repair as nothing more than a pay check and they had not made any commitment to excellence in their work. Mediocrity is a disease that I abhor and for good reason.
Wasn't it what I said? The one who service it best is the one
who knows best how to service it. What part of
knows best was not clear? It is obvious that a number of divers sees the opportunity to "service" their own gear as nothing more than ways to save a buck or two.
You realize that most LDSes have prices displayed (like this one did) with the caveat "plus parts and additional services". A Cousteau first and Micra second cost me just under $200.00 and not the "Oh, about a $100" that the owner told me. Mind you, I didn't fuss at ALL about the double price until the reg failed. There I was as a divemaster assisting an instructor in a Scuba Class, and I am inhaling water at @ 60FFW. If they didn't mind charging me $198 without asking me, why didn't they add another $10 and do it right to begin with? The price became a factor only after the service turned out to be less than satisfactory. I hope you can see that. I get the feeling you think I am to blame for their shoddy business practices and sub par performance in rebuilding my reg. FWIW, that shop is no longer in business. Go figure!
Oh please, no excuses there, the shop is wrong in overcharging you and misquoting you as well, but you being charged for it is 100% your fault, unless it is an hourly rate(which most don't do) they know exactly what labor is going to be, and we already know what the parts cost too, they can quote you down to the pennies, there are variables like parts outside service kits(like replacing hoses), but even then it can be agreed to service no further past the previous quoted price without YOUR authorization with a new quote, sorry doc, no sympathy for you on that one. Good to hear the shop is no longer in busyness, let the good ones serve us better.
Me too. I choose me. I know how I want my gear to operate and frankly, I have a huge stake in it operating perfectly. A far bigger stake than they have.
Off course, look at your service station, the experience you have, why would you have someone else do it?
But that doesn't mean a LDS(the right one) would do it any worst than you can, again, it's highly dependent on WHO is doing it.
Yes, there are. As I posted before: Most people should not be servicing their own regs. I recommend my class only to those who have the interest in making the commitments to time, money and care. It's the same with tech diving or even diving in general.
I agree to a certain point on this, I'm with you on those requirements but the reality is a lot of people are not honest with themselves and get into things for the wrong reasons, as you said it, most people should not be doing it, no matter how much commitments to time, money and care, it is simply not for them.