Hog harness or deluxe harness with quick release?

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Ok it seems like the hog wins at the end of the day!

Since this has been discussed so much maybe this is a troll. I'll answer as if the question is sincere.

I've dove both and like both. They are both good. But for me the deluxe harness is better.

Just because something is popular with others is no sign it will be the best for you.

Each of us is an individual with different body types, different degrees of flexibility, different ideas of what "fits". So, THE best recommendation is to dive both and pick the one YOU like the best.
Each of us is an individual with different body types, different degrees of flexibility, different ideas of what "fits". So, THE best recommendation is to dive both and pick the one YOU like the best.
I agree with Arctic that trying both is the best option BUT that is not an easy thing to do for the exact reason Arctic states above. The reality is that setting a hog harness exactly how YOU like it will take (in most cases) a few dives so trying somebody's ONCE isn't always going to cut it. Add to that, many shops don't carry BP/W's or even know what the heck they are or even use them. That's why we talk about them so much here on SB.:wink:

Sometimes what it comes down to is just taking the plunge and going for it. If you like the idea of a BP/W then go for it. I ALWAYS suggest that the internet BP/W buyer start with the deluxe/transplate style and then migrate to the hog after a while if he/she decides that is best for them personally and only YOU can know this OVER TIME. Good luck! If ya wanna trade later you should be able to find someone to do it and of course going to a hog harness is cheap so no biggie. Just some thoughts.
Hehe, I suggest precisely the opposite. If you're going to leap to a backplate, you may as well go whole hog about it. It's cheaper than going the adjustable way first, and if you decide to switch, you can easily reuse the components of the hog rig. If you go with the complex harness and decide to go hog, there's not much you can do with all the bits.
Ha ha....it seems popularity wins over realistic function!

I prefer the Deluxe sans the chest strap. It's easier to get out of under and above water compared to the hog. 3" of harness space is occupied by the QR. There is a D-ring built into this area as well so it's no problem carrying two deco bottles. The Hog harness requires you to either lift your gear up, or slide your body down to get out of it. With the deluxe you clip and rotate 90 degrees without moving up or down.

"realistic function"?
The Hog harness requires you to either lift your gear up, or slide your body down to get out of it.
Actually, that's not at all how it works, although I once believed that very thing, so I don't begrudge you the concept.

You get into a hog harness by putting your arms behind you and through the straps (just like you would a sweater, although I like to put both arms through at the same time). To get out, you pull the straps off your shoulders using the perfectly placed D-rings, and you just pull your arms right back out.

You can do the over-the-top maneuver, too, but you can do that in any BC, so I don't suppose it's relevant.

(Incidentally, I don't dispute that it's easier to get out of a harness with a shoulder-strap quick release, but it's not hard to use either style, so it's easy vs. easier.)
The Hog harness requires you to either lift your gear up, or slide your body down to get out of it.


I sit in front of my gear, I put one arm in, then the other. Then I stand up.
well I had asked the same questions before I bought my HOG and someone on here, don't recall who said this to me and it made a lot of sense. "go with a simple hog. Try it our and if you still find that you need or want a quick release cut the straps and have it sewn somewhere locally" It's easy to do and all you would have to do is buy the quick release." This made sense to me as you can add the release but not take it off so easily!
Hehe, I suggest precisely the opposite. If you're going to leap to a backplate, you may as well go whole hog about it. It's cheaper than going the adjustable way first, and if you decide to switch, you can easily reuse the components of the hog rig. If you go with the complex harness and decide to go hog, there's not much you can do with all the bits.

It may be cheaper but not by much and like I said, trade the old piece or sell it if you decide later that you don't want it. People will buy dog poop on ebay.:wink: Moreover, my suggestions are for the INTERNET purchaser who has never used a hog harness or adjusted one. The adjustable will act like training wheels that the internet/first time user is likely to use for a very long time and even may prefer, like me. That said, I don't disagree with what you said. Especially if the person is at all handy and has had the chance to get familiar with a BP/W configuration or has someone to help.

Basically, when that hog harness shows up on the door step, many first time users will be confused about how to set it up and about how to get it to fit perfectly and jive. We have all seen it happen here on SB a million times. The buyer gets it in the mail and then comes back here for help and then a big fight starts when others say that they should have just bought locally in the first place, lol. That won't be a problem with the adjustable webbing because all you do is pull the strap tight. It just really depends on the experience level of the user but I will admit that we are splitting some fine hairs here. Also, you can't turn a hog harness into an adjustable harness like the transplate all that easily...a deluxe harness yes. My original suggestion was to go with an adjustable first, not a deluxe. I actually suggested to skip the deluxe if I recall.:wink:

Correct me if I am wrong, but in my experience, the deluxe just has a quick release and not an adjustable pull option like the transplate right?:huh:
Moreover, my suggestions are for the INTERNET purchaser who has never used a hog harness or adjusted one.
Maybe I'm just *that* good, then, but I ordered a hog BP/W setup having never seen one being setup. (I had been diving with a few people with plates, but I never bothered to look at them.) I just pulled up the several different "how to configure a backplate" sites around and followed their basic instructions. (It was hardly difficult -- it's not like there's anything to it, and they had plenty of pictures, too.)

(If I used the wrong term for the one you were suggesting, my apologies, but I suppose there *is* plenty of confusion about the non-hog setups, which probably doesn't help enhance the clarity situation. :D)

Anyway, my advice is still to go hog first, but if it would help new internet purchasers, perhaps I can get a YouTube-style HOWTO video together to make a rather simple procedure trivial. If it would help people, why not? Plus, it'd be fun... I just have to get some of that pink webbing to make it easier to see. :D

(Incidentally, if it's that hard for people to figure out how to setup a hog harness, it certainly explains why people are told to never service their gear, eh? Hehe. :wink:)
My apologies to clayjar if I seemed...what's the word...picky, lol? Sorry. :wink: That wasn't my intention.

I have a degree in musical theatre so setting up a hog harness is something I would just rather pay someone else to do, especially from scratch. Knowing all the lyrics to the musical Westside Story comes with a price. :D I almost cut my finger off with the dremmel while putting spring straps on my wife and my jets.:11doh: I am simply not a DIY person although I am getting better at it.

I think the you tube video is an excellent idea and maybe you could put a link to it in your signature? I bet someone has already done it. I would have been one of "those" people who would have benefited from a video like that. I do believe DSS and some other sites have these videos as well.

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