[high budget] Raja Ampat Liveaboard suggestions?

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@ScubaSpaniel most shops running a charter will set up a group email or chat for people going on the same trip. anywater does a hosted meeting i think for theirs at the shop. I think master fleet also does this for the non-charter trips. other operators don't seem to bother though, so you have to pretty much know who else might be going and contact them directly.
@ScubaSpaniel most shops running a charter will set up a group email or chat for people going on the same trip. anywater does a hosted meeting i think for theirs at the shop. I think master fleet also does this for the non-charter trips. other operators don't seem to bother though, so you have to pretty much know who else might be going and contact them directly.
It would only take five minutes to set up a WhatsApp or FB group for each trip and add cruisers to it.
but if most are charter trips, there isn't a big need for the operator to bother either for the handful of non-charters. you also run into people who don't want strangers contacting them. or the liability risk if something happens because you gave out the email information (eg stalking/harassment or worse)
but if most are charter trips, there isn't a big need for the operator to bother either for the handful of non-charters. you also run into people who don't want strangers contacting them. or the liability risk if something happens because you gave out the email information (eg stalking/harassment or worse)
There would be a check box on the booking form asking if they would like to be added to the group. On a specified date after the cruise, the group would be deleted.
Hi Kendall,

You read my review of the Coralia in UC and asked me some questions. (I don’t know if you knew that was me.) I told you it was a great boat! :) I’m glad you liked it! (I read your UC review).
Bingo! I don't book anything without researching on Undercurrent first.
Hi Kendall,

You read my review of the Coralia in UC and asked me some questions. (I don’t know if you knew that was me.) I told you it was a great boat! :) I’m glad you liked it! (I read your UC review).

Yes. Thanks for the feedback. You were right. I really liked the boat and the cruise directors, Beat and Desi were super. Looking at going back in 2026.
+1 to Arenui if no budget - I've heard its an incredibly luxe and wonderful experience from many who both dove it and worked in Indo. The only potential "negatives" I've heard whispers about, is the clientele tends to lean quite a bit older. So they basically completely avoid any dive site that would involve moving against the current as some high-action dive sites do.

I really liked ScubaSpa in Maldives. The ship was gorgeous, rooms were very nice, food was excellent! And great dive briefings before every dive. I can't say much about Zen but I do know they require something like a 30-50 min logged dives depending on the route?
I dove Komodo on the Arenui and there was plenty of current. Half the divers were in their 60s and nobody missed a dive due to the currents.
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