Hidden Worlds Cenotes - worth it??

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We grilled our guide until we were comfortable as well. Fortunately he was Dennis (Pez de Diablo).

I can't recommend Dennis enough. A superior guide and a great operation. Made us very comfortable and relaxed, and extremely helpful. Very thorough explanation of the dive plans, which was appreciated. Dennis truly allowed us to have a full experience diving the cenotes, pausing at key rooms or turn outs to really allow us to absorb the scenary. The best dive experience that we've had, and Dennis was responsible for it.

We just returned to the States and we are already trying to figure out how to get back to Cozumel/Playa del Carmen and spend more time diving with Diablo Divers.

As for wetsuits, we wore 3mm suits (I had integrated hood), and we were comfortable for our first two dives. By the end of the third dive, we were starting to get chilled.
How about a post trip report? That would be useful, or else just PM me and tell me how it went.

Have a good trip!


I share your concerns. Ultimately, you have to be comfortable with your guide, who is cave certified, and wears a set of doubles. I spent some time asking questions (a lot more than the other three divers in our group), about the route, at what point we'll be the furthest from open air, at what point the closest air will be forward rather than back, etc.

I'll be back there next week, and I plan on asking the guide the same questions when he/she goes over the dive plan. I will also ask if they can provide the group with a signal when we are beyond the furthest point and the quickest exit is now forward. I just like to know these things.

If you're comfortable with these things, a cenote experience can be fantastic. (Check out the picture inmy profile).
Yak, that is a fantastic picture! Okay, I'm going to have to do it. I think I can get to PDC via bus, from the hotel zone.

Pez, that's for that info. I'll give it a read. Better than that drubbing I got for wanting to cave dive. I asked the stupid question regarding cavern vs. cave. I got a curt NO DIFFERENCE! So, that is when I tried to get more info.

Thanks to you both!

Jack :D
But I got a workout when I asked about this on one of the other threads. From all I've read, cenotes are fantastic. However, being a new guy in an overhead environment, gives me some concerns. Theoretically, you are never far from the opening, and I have really no interest in cave diving.
Sorry about that, Jack! :blush:

Like I said, lots of people do it. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't care for trust-me dives...
Pez mentioned a thread earlier. I had some concerns about this before I went in January and asked a couple of questions. I'd tried to contact Dennis while I was in Cancun but sadly I couldn't get in touch so I went with Leif of MantaDivers.
First thing Leif would tell you is that the dives will be effortless and the most relaxing you'll do. He was right! Pretty much everything Pez said was true although steel tanks are a real rarity from what I heard from Leif.

Anyway, I was worried about my buoyancy skills and did 15 OW dives before going to the Cenotes - Chac Mool was the easiest dive I did over there. That said, those dives were not just easy by accident so to speak. We were reliant on the professionalism of the guide - I'd have no problem recommending Leif and next time I'm over I'm going to try to get in touch with Dennis as Dennis allayed a lot of my concerns before I got to Mexico.

When I came out of the water I had one of those silly smug grins you get after a good dive - I cannot explain why - it's a real experince and I loved every second of it :)
Hey StE,

LOL!! That was really funny! Nothing to apologize for. I asked, you responded with your opinion. I appreciate your taking a position and standing by it. I couldn't remember the thread or who responded to me. I hardly think at all that you are the Lone Ranger. As Muldar used to say on the X-Files "Trust no one!"

However, you are experienced enough to render that decision, and I am not. I have very little choice in not following someone else and trusting their judgement. That is why I ask so many question and try to get all this stuff sorted out. After having engaged in some of the threads on this board, I've decided that I'd rather be a solo diver, then I don't have to depend on someone else.

But, until that day comes (experience wise) I gotta take a stab at it. No other way for me to decide to pursue it or not.

Thanks! :D


Sorry about that, Jack! :blush:

Like I said, lots of people do it. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't care for trust-me dives...
Let me know how you like the class. FWIW, my instructor takes your view as well. Train first, experience second.

FWIW, I'm as pumped as anyone for the chance to dive the Cenotes (next year) and Fla springs (this summer), I'm just paranoid enough :11: that I want that Cavern cert under my belt first. :)
Cool! I've heard both Dennis and Leif highly recommended by nearly everyone that has gone to Cancun. I'll keep both in mind for Nov.


Pez mentioned a thread earlier. I had some concerns about this before I went in January and asked a couple of questions. I'd tried to contact Dennis while I was in Cancun but sadly I couldn't get in touch so I went with Leif of MantaDivers.
First thing Leif would tell you is that the dives will be effortless and the most relaxing you'll do. He was right! Pretty much everything Pez said was true although steel tanks are a real rarity from what I heard from Leif.

Anyway, I was worried about my buoyancy skills and did 15 OW dives before going to the Cenotes - Chac Mool was the easiest dive I did over there. That said, those dives were not just easy by accident so to speak. We were reliant on the professionalism of the guide - I'd have no problem recommending Leif and next time I'm over I'm going to try to get in touch with Dennis as Dennis allayed a lot of my concerns before I got to Mexico.

When I came out of the water I had one of those silly smug grins you get after a good dive - I cannot explain why - it's a real experince and I loved every second of it :)

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