hidden gem-Raja Ampat Liveaboard Putiraja

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What is the difference between North and south route?
more macro in one ? more big stuff in the other?

Sorry, but I'm butting in once again to answer this.

North Raja Ampat is closer to the town of Sorong, making the trip to South Raja Ampat longer.

The North sites are closer together, making it easier to see a greater variety of things and less affected by weather conditions. The south is affected seasonally by the south winds, which prevent diving altogether. The coral spears to be generally more colorful in the South but a much greater abundance of fishes, etc. in the North. With the exception of Wayag area of the North Route, the South's landscape is more dramatic and colorful.

You can find wobbegong and endemic species like the epaulette "walking" shark in all of Raja Ampat.
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