hidden gem-Raja Ampat Liveaboard Putiraja

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They quoted me $350US per night (dbl. occupancy) for 2011 cruises....this includes the port fees,West Papua travel permit, and Raja Ampat entrance fee. They don't presently have a fuel surcharge. Rina has been very responsive to my emails.
( I have no financial interest, either directly or indirectly in the Puti Raja or Papua Diving.)

Thanks very much! I was keen to get a rough idea. Cheers MA
Why were you frustrated??

I was frustrated because I want to travel late March, early April and at this late date, a number of options were either sold out or out of my league financially. A number of places that I was interested in going were crossed off the list because of reports of coral bleaching. I was also trying to avoid joining larger groups and although the boat is comparable in size to some that accommodate 16 guests, they specifically cater to smaller groups of 10 to 12. I wanted to maximize my number of dive days and several trips left and/or returned midweek which left me unable to get the most out of a Thurs/Fri departure with a Sun. return. Putiraja is willing to try to accommodate my schedule.

I'm sorry I didn't answer this and MA sooner but I was diving out of range of internet connections:) (Local Channel Islands)

Take Care, Hilary
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Hi everyone!

I'm a representative of Putiraja and I'm trying to stay away from this post to let people make up their minds about us. I certainly appreciate the positive comments from Hilary and Bret.

However I need to make it clear that Matthias Klum's project with National Geographic was not in any way "comped" to advertise our boat. We were simply a vessel that they chose and they were happy with our service. In my understanding, the SOS Challenge was a smaller part of a documentary yet to come. We were pleasantly surprised to see that the SOS video gave such great exposure of our boat.

We have taken many others on scientific/ documentary trips. In our experience, with the good service we've provided, they've always wanted to give us exposure in their final products. It's not unlike an individual traveler.

Regarding Mr. Klum, bear in mind that he may have been comped his spot aboard the boat as a form of "free ad" for the boat.
I noticed that NotYetBent wrote that he was going on the Putiraja in late July 2010 so I PM'd him. Here (with his permission) is his reply:

Hi Hillary,

For some reason, ScubaBoard is screwy for me right now so I thought I'd email you here. I really do need to put up a trip report for the whole thing (Alor, Bali, Raja Ampat - Sorido / Putiraja) but have been busy with the real-life thing lately. Anyways...some thoughts:

-This was my first liveaboard so I don't have a great sense of how this would compare to somewhere else...
-Ken and Josephine are fantastic owners and their boat is great. It has an enormous deck (they didn't cram in too many cabins) with a great outdoor eating table. Very clean but they're still working on some aspects (flooring, etc...nothing that's a problem).
-My mother and I were the only people on the boat for the week (a 35m boat to 2 guests...unreal).
-We could pretty much dive wherever we wanted (didn't really have a "set plan") - which is how I like it. Even if the dive wasn't the greatest (per Raja Ampat), I would still enjoy because of the knowledge that, in all likelihood, no one had ever been there before.
-TV in the boat is nice for sharing video, etc. If you want to hook up your laptop, remember to bring the necessary cable(s).
-Josephine's cooking is amazing and you will have a fresh mango smoothie / avocado juice waiting for you after every dive. Expect to gain weight (in a good way!).
-Rooms a little small but fine, showers in bathroom could use a "door" rather than the curtain. But that's just being extremely nit-picky. I usually just showered with the outdoor showers in the back of the boat after I took my wetsuit off.
-Other staff on boat were very helpful and courteous. Can't say anything but great things about them. Dive guide from Sorido Bay - Hengki (sp?) - not too too much English but we had dove with him before and I have nothing but good things to say about him.
-No internet on boat.
-Diving unreal...but if you're going to Raja Ampat, you already know this. It's as good as it gets.
-Stayed mostly around Fam Island and then another night nearer to Sorong.

Sorry this is brief. If you have any more questions, please ask. In all honesty, this was the perfect first liveaboard experience. Great owners, great boat, great staff and, of course, top notch diving. I don't feel the need to go on another boat, if the times worked out. When I get my video together of Raja Ampat, I'll let you know. Say hi to Ken and Josephine if you book with them!

Take care,

That's me...gotta get my full trip report up (better late than never). It is a great boat and has a fantastic crew.
I am thinking of doing this boat next year in conjunction with Sorido. I spoke with Max about it a couple of weeks ago when I was there at Sorido. Being the Antares will probably never make it to RA he has partnered with these people and speaks highly of the boat. Now that I am already planning for 2011, I sent Max an email asking how this works with Sorido if I want to send a few days on the boat (really want to hit the Misool area) and a week at Sorido.

RinaW if you want to PM me with some info it would be appreciated as it may be a few days before I hear from Max.
What is the difference between North and south route?
more macro in one ? more big stuff in the other?

The north has sites with lots of fish, beautiful coral and an assortment of macro.

So does the south.:idk:

That's why I like a long liveaboard trip that covers both. I prefer the north (Dampier Straight area), but Misool (in the south) has some very special sites. Many folks I know prefer the south.

You cannot go wrong.

Would someone explain what happened to the Antares? Vaporboat.

I used to get way too manyr annoying e-mails from Gabrielle about the progress of the boat. Now she works for Kararu, so know I get annoying e-mails about Kararu from her.

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