hidden gem-Raja Ampat Liveaboard Putiraja

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After hours of exhausting research, I found The Putiraja Liveaboard listed on the dive operators list of diverajaampat.org.

The URL is A Classic Pinisi Liveaboard With Modern Features

I haven't sailed with them but I feel secure suggesting that thay are worth considering because one of the partners is Max Ammer, a pioneer dive operator in Raja Ampat and owner of Kri Eco Resort and Sorido Bay Resort at Papua, Indonesia and co-founder and manager of Papua diving. He has been diving the area for over 20 years.

Also, they recently hosted Matthias Klum while he was doing a documentary for Nat'l Geographic.

Besides Max Ammer, the boat is a mostly family run affair. It is a small pinisi style boat taking a max of 10-12 passengers. I have been corresponding with them and they have been more than helpful and accommodating. The website doesn't mention Nitrox but it is available for an add'l fee.

I was very happy to have this alternative. I hope it's helpful.
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sounds like a mockumentary. Nice boat though.
Thanks for the info. Have you done other live-aboards in Raja to compare it to? Will be interested in hearing your review after you have actually been out with them.
I Haven't been to Raja Ampat before. I did a 10 day liveaboard on the Bilikiki in the Solomon Islands. By the way, apparently the boat is comparable in length and width to those that hold up to 16 passengers but they wanted to cater to those who prefer smaller groups. I am going in April and will write about it when I get back.

Best, Hilary
To the OP:

It has become increasingly common for travel agents, resorts, and boat operators to post free ads in this forum, disguised as bona fide information. I'm not implying that this is the case with your post. But many readers here are rightly a bit leery of posts that tout a resort or boat, particularly if the poster has not used the services of said resort or boat themselves. Regarding Mr. Klum, bear in mind that he may have been comped his spot aboard the boat as a form of "free ad" for the boat.

Given that this boat is more or less a Max Ammer property, and he has a good track record in RA, it might indeed be a "hidden gem" ... or not. Perhaps it's better to reserve your praise, at least in print, until after your trip.
Perhaps the title does suggest praise. I was trying to attract readers to the post but all I was really trying to do was let other people who might be as frustrated as I am, know that there is another boat to consider. I posted the URL for people to look at and make up their own minds. I hadn't come across it until after at least 10 hours of research. Their website only went online last month. I have had extensive email interaction with the operator and from the degree of helpfulness and concern for my needs, I wanted to share the information.
Thanks for the post. I too have been searching through many sites for boats. I will be contacting them. Budget-wise do you know what range they are in? Budget/mid/high?
They quoted me $350US per night (dbl. occupancy) for 2011 cruises....this includes the port fees,West Papua travel permit, and Raja Ampat entrance fee. They don't presently have a fuel surcharge. Rina has been very responsive to my emails.
( I have no financial interest, either directly or indirectly in the Puti Raja or Papua Diving.)

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