Had a nice long dive today at Hidden Beach, I've never dove that as a site alone, usually do hidden beach to Breakwater but my girlfriend wanted to do it so we gave it a shot. Visibility was pretty poor when we dropped (~5ft) so we made out way to the edge of the kelp to let some light in and it opened up to about 10ft. Saw lots of opalescent nudis, lots of fish life. I was wondering if you clever folks could help me ID the white nudi with the orange tips? Don't believe I've seen that kind before and I'm having trouble with it. Also, the picture there, I'm sorry it's not very good, it looks to be some kind of clam? It had a green sort of circle inside it, could also use some ID help with that one! Best part of the dive was seeing a rainbow nudibranch go after a tube anemone, I always see them near each other but this time got a good video of the nudi going for lunch! As always, thanks and enjoy!