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Bellevue, WA ---Seattle
HI all,

I have been a member of the board for a while, but thought I would say hi to all of you. I am a fairly new diver with 60 warm water dives in the U.S.V.I., B.V.I., and Cozumel. I am currently living in Bellevue(please don't hold that against me) and I work in the "tech industry" for a large travel company.

I look forward with great anticipation to perhaps diving with some of you soon! I just need to save up the mucho dinero that is required for that customized TLS350 and DUI Delta that I'll need before getting wet. Until then, I will keep reading the Orca bait forums! Great posts, and can't wait to meet/dive with everyone.

Let us know when you are ready to dive - we'll take you out to some of the cool backyard sites.
I wont hold it against you for living in Bellevue if you promise to not hold it against me for working for the City of Bellevue..

Get that drysuit so we can take you out and show you the locale sites we know and love. The diving in great here.
I just need to save up the mucho dinero that is required for that customized TLS350 and DUI Delta that I'll need before getting wet.

I hate to break it to you but the idea of a drysuit is that you don't get wet. :wink:

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