Hi from the Doxa guy

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Didn't know we were that difficult to find. Glad you did.

If you haven't yet, click Forums above and start going thru the list - looking for those of interest to you, especially your local dive club. Always good to try a Search before starting a new thread, tho :search: and be careful about posting Threads & Replies without reading the Stickies at the tops of most forums. Click the link in my Sig below to PM me if I can help you around here..

:cowboy: don

thanks for the welcome. Whooo, I've been trawling round for a couple of days now. The amount of info is breathtaking. What a knowledgable and helpful bunch of people you have here. The enthusiasm is catching.

Aloha and Welcome to the board Pete

(Hubby and I are also vintage divers :wink: )
Wow this thread made me feel really young, thank you! :wink:

Welcome aboard, hope to see more of you around here!
My original USD Sharkhunter, provided compliments of Uncle Sam, is as good as new 30 years later, and I love my T-Graph and Sub 300T as well. I can't tell you how many divers have asked me what kind of watch is that, and their jaws drop when I tell them my Sharkhunter is circa 1972, and my T-Graph is one of only 250 made. They are truely classics.
I have 2 Doxa watches from the early and mid 70's. Anyone know where to get them cleaned and repaired up to original specs?
Bill NAUI 5709

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