Hi from Canada South

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and Welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state
Welcome from Texas! :D
Welcome to the family, you'll have a grand time learning all about your "relative". The word must have gone out to divers in Ontario, we're gaining in numbers....

Come the new dive season --- well let me rephrase that, come the time when we don't have to push the "hard stuff" out of our way, and the water in the lake is not SO cold, a few us Neptune Divers located around Kingston will be heading there and/or Picton to dive. Keep in touch and we'll let you know when things get set up.
Welcome to the board.
Hope you enjoy it.

Mike M
Glad to have you aboard. We look forward to hearing about you experiences and dive stories.

Glad to have you on the board Rooster! Can't wait to hear your stories!

Ber :bunny:
Yo, Windsor, welcome from the north side of the river. Let me know if I can help with info re: our shared watery playground.

Been diving Sarnia yet? It's a rush.
As a matter of fact I actually got certified in Sarnia in 2000 and last summer
I dove the Monarch, I thought it was pretty exhilarating do the dive conditions. I got to admit I was scared. I had never done a dive like the Monarch. The other wrecks in the St. Clair River I wont attempt no time soon. They are considered Upper Advanced and dangerous. I have read and have talked to people who have told me some stories about diving on those other wrecks. BenHur/ Tremble / Marten/ and Fontana:eek:
Hey guys;

Just checked out the St. Clair River section in Kohl's new book. All I can say is


Monarch looks real neat. The othere look fun but I'd want an experienced local to do the guide thing.

Any takers?

I'll reciprocate in Kingston!

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