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I am new to the board and very new to diving. This has been a very informational place to go to get my questions answered, without even asking it. I've earned my OW cert. last year in August but haven't dived since. We are planning a trip to Oahu over the Easter break and would love to go on a dive. Is it strange to be still afraid of diving, even after being certified? I know I need to keep doing it and it gets easier, but it really makes me nervous just talking about it. I passed the class just fine, though it took me two months to get certified, my instructor knew my nervousness and took his time in getting me comfortable under the water, he was a great instructor. I think it's the idea of being deep under the water and not being right there close to the surface in case I panic. So if anyone can suggest a good, reputable and very patient dive shop on Oahu please let me know and any other comforting advise along the way would be much appreciated.
Don't have a clue about Oahu, but I wanted to say welcome anyway. I am sure there are some here who can give you exactly the info you need. "See" ya around the board.

Later, Hawk.
You've reached the right place. Thare's a lot to learn here.

Have a nice time diving the seas and the board.

Ari :)
First welcome to the board, and to the fantastic world of diving. I can't offer any advice for Dive operators in Oahu -- but be patient, someone from the "family" will. (Though doing a search for Oahu / Hawaii on the board might give you the info you need).

Don't "force" yourself to dive. When you go on your holiday, perhaps the first step is to go through a scuba review before you go diving. A review is always a good idea when you have not been diving for awhile. It will help you in remembering all the skills you need to have for a safe dive, and ensure that you do them correctly.
Welcome to the best board, SCUBA or toherwise on the Net. I hope you learn as much asn meet as many great friends as I have.

Your enemy and your salvation to your problem is time. You don't have enough time under the water and the problem will be solved by simply spending more time there. DON'T WAIT for your vacation. Find a heated pool and go rent some gear right now. Start in the shallow end and start practicing all of those skills you learned. Move to the deep end. Play in the pool until you are bored to tears. Clean it with a brush if you need something to keep you busy. Get out and dry out some, and then go do it again. If at any time you feel uncomfortable with your gear or your skills STOP!!! Go find some help with an instructor or a buddy who is way experienced. The important thing is burn a few tanks of air and get comfortable with your breathing underwater.
Welcome to the friendliest place to find scuba information! I know nothing about Oahu but DivingGal is right on the money, someone here will probably be able to help.

NetDoc is right, you need to spend time in the water now. Go to your LDS (local dive shop) and see if you can sign up for a refresher course if you don't feel comfortable practicing by yourself. Heck, there might even be some people on the board who are in your area who might be willing to help.

What do you think you would panic about? A good dive plan can eliminate a lot of nervousness. Afraid you'll run out of air? Plan to start your ascent when you or your buddy reach 1000psi, not comfortable with that margin then increase it to something you're comfortable with. Afraid you'll get lost? Two choices here, take a navigation course before you go and have your instructor work with you until you completely understand how to use a compass. A second option is to go on guided dives, you can probably hire your own divemaster from the shop if you want. The money you spend is worth the peace of mind. Afraid something is going to eat you? The odds of being struck by lightning are greater. Don't touch the wildlife and if it gives you more peace of mind don't go on a dive where the feature is feeding it. I'll tell you this much, I've been along on a shark feeding dive and it was pretty boring. The sharks came, they ate and they left. I was glad the dive was included in the cost of the trip because I sure would have been disappointed if I had paid extra for it. They were beautiful to watch though.

Always plan your dive and dive your plan. Remember, anyone at any time can abort a dive without having to explain their reason and without fear of ridicule, etc. Make sure you and your buddy understand this, when someone gives the "up" signal everybody goes up, no questions.

Good luck!
Ber :bunny:
ptc welcome to the board. I agree with NetDoc. The more time you spend in the water the more comfortable you'll become.

When I first got back into diving, I was uneasy with a night dive in the ocean. I would do them, but it wouldn't take much for me to back out of the dive. Then all of a sudden last year while doing a night dive I was very comfortable with it, and haven't had a problem with them since.

this will apply in your case to. the more diving you do the more comfortable you will become.


welcome! :hi:

Chepar (cheryl - are you there?) lives in Oahu. She may be able to answer your questions.


I live in Okinawa, but have done a little diving on Oahu. If you do decide to dive there, I can recommend Ocean Concepts. We had all experience levels, and we even had a couple of "discoverers" who were not certified, but went with an instructor.

I will be diving there again the end of this month. I'll let you know if I have any othe recommendations.
Hi welcome to the SCUBA Board from Kingston Ontario Canada. Hope you enjoy the forum.

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