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Washington State
I'm new to this message board, just thought I'd introduce myself: I live in Washington State, been an SSI certified diver for over a year, I have certifications from Open Water, Advanced, and Stress and Rescue. I'm 24 years old. I'll be heading up to the Gulf Islands next week for a live-aboard dive trip, I'm looking forward to it! I really don't know what else to say, so I suppose I'll just say bye for now! :)
Welcome Kylianna! Glad to hear from another Washington diver! What part of the state are you in? Are you going to the California Gulf Islands? You will love it!! I was diving off of Catalina Island two weekends ago & it was amazing! Does Catalina qualify as a gulf island?

Join right in. You'll find lots of good information here.
Thanks Dee and Scubakat :)

Actually, it's the Gulf Islands up in Brittish Columbia. I believe it's about an hour away from Victoria, B.C., but I'm not entirely sure. This will be my first time diving in Canada, I hear the water is really clear, almost like tropical diving.
I'm from the Northeastern corner of WA, in Stevens county. What part of the state are you from?

You have already proven yourself to be a highly intelligent
and sophisticated individual Kylianna,simply by choosing to associate yourself with this great bunch of wet-heads...
I'm going to be in Vancouver in september for a few days before returning to New Zealand.I'll be with family for a few days so I'm interested on how your dive goes.Let me know and maybe I might have a crack at it myself.
Now you are as certifiable as the rest of us.
Stay cool till after school.
The Gasman.
Hi there, and welcome to a fun place (.... where everyone knows your name....)

You'll have a great time up in BC. Although when I lived there I didn't dive (I know almost sacrilege), I did tour around a lot. The area you are going to is spectacular. I was just speaking with someone yesterday who was describing the dive conditions. I won't spoil the surprise, but you are in for a treat!
Channel Islands... Gulf Islands.... I was just a few degrees off. No wonder my buddy won't let me navigate :).
Are you going on the Nautilus Explorer by any chance? I just laid down a deposit for a trip to Port Hardy with them in september.

I live near Woodinville, a little north of Bellevue & Seattle. Sheesh that's a long way from Salt Water! Have you done any diving in Lake Pond O'rielle(sp?) or C'da ?


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :)

I believe I will be diving (and sleeping, eating, living)on a boat called the "Sea Venture". I've never done a live-aboard before, so this is a real adventure for me, I just hope I don't get sea-sick. I'll make sure to take some triptone with me :wink: I will definately let you all know how the diving is! I hear we will be doing wreck diving on a destroyer, the Breton or Brenton, something like that.
I do get to travel to the Puget Sound quite a bit, my dad is an SSI Dive Control Specialist, and we go over with the classes that are getting their open water certification. We usually dive in the Hood Canal. We also do local diving in lakes and rivers on the eastern side of the state, too. I have dove (Dove? is that right? :))in Lake Coeur d'Alene, it was murky and there were a lot of logs and garbage.
I have been diving in tropical waters once, that was this past year in Cozumel. I really really loved that, I saw my first shark there.
So, theres some more about me, and thanks again for all the greets, I think I'll definately enjoy being here :)
Hey kylianna,

Welcome - I'm in Seattle as well - just keep me in the loop if you want to come over and get wet...


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