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Niceville FL
Just wanted to say hey!! We just moved to NW Florida this past winter, and I've finished my OW certification just a few weeks ago. Each week it's hard to decide where I want to dive!! It's great-- boat dives on wrecks, shore dives, spring dives. I have enjoyed the board for awhile, and just wanted to say Hi.
Welcome aboard! Have fun!
Hey Gulf Gulper, welcome to SB. Are you really from Niceville? The name just sounds too funny. Anyway there are many Florida divers here on SB, they should be along shortly to give their warm greetings.
To help you learn to navigate the SB Matrix, follow this path to check out our :newbie: forum: ScubaBoard.Com > Scuba Diving Central> New Divers & Those Considering Diving as well as this one to say hit to new local dive buddies on your dive club forum: ScubaBoard.Com > Regional Travel & Dive Clubs> North America> United States> Florida Conch Divers

I hope you'll try 6 posts before you decide if you like us or not, and - I hope you do.

Yep, North Fla. You got the best of both worlds : Spings & Salt Water :D

Welcome to ScubaBoard !
Welcome to the board - you know where I live! :D

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