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Arlington, Texas
Hey guys!! Remember me, Aimee???? I've been a little MIA lately....more like almost a year I guess. After Rich and I went to Bonaire last spring, things have been a little hectic here. Rich was in Atlanta for several months during the summer for job training and I started grad school in the fall. And....during a nice ski trip/Texas music fest in the Rockies we've discovered we've got our own little Swampie due in September! My dad seems to think he saw fins on the ultrasound, so that's good!!! :)

I hope all is well with everyone. I'm sorry I missed the get together a few weeks ago. I've been exhausted and I worked that weekend. I'm more than happy to hear anyone's advice since this is our first!

Take care all and think of me the next 8 months while ya'll are blowing bubbles!
Hey, welcome back girl and congrats.

Sleep all you can now, because a full nights sleep will be little more than a memory for a bit after the new dive buddy comes along.

Sleep when the baby sleeps. Don't clean house when the baby sleeps. Don't do laundry when the baby sleeps.... sleep.

Good to see you around here again.

Congratulations! :bogey: Whenever we get a new baby, the first thing I do is put down some paper and invest in some treats.....oh wait, that's puppies! :34: Guess it's a good thing Beast and I never had any, but they would have been paper trained! LOL.

Listen to Tom, he's got the hang of it.
Hey, welcome back girl and congrats.

Sleep all you can now, because a full nights sleep will be little more than a memory for a bit after the new dive buddy comes along.

Sleep when the baby sleeps. Don't clean house when the baby sleeps. Don't do laundry when the baby sleeps.... sleep.

Good to see you around here again.


Tom has it right! Sleep all you can for gettin' up at 2, 3, 4, ect.

The way I did it was the wife got up. Oops.

But just think about what it's gonna feel like when he/she looks up at you and says "Momma".

Beast and I never had any, but they would have been paper trained! LOL.

Listen to Tom, he's got the hang of it.[/QUOTE]

LOL! Sometimes I think I'm gonna wish it was that easy! Thanks for the advice! Believe me....I've been sleeping an unhumanly amount of time. 7:30 pm is a great bed time for me right now! And that's late! I'm usually looking at the clock around 4pm wishing I could go to bed but it's too early!!

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