Hey Mommies... snorkeling w/ toddlers?

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Next month I'll be taking a trip to Cozumel with my non-diving hubby and 2.5 yr old daughter. I know she's a bit young, but I'd like to try to introduce her to snorkeling. She LOVES LOVES LOVES the water. Lately, her favorite thing to do is put on her goggles, float face down, and stare at the botton of the pool until she can't hold her breath any longer. Hmmm... that's pretty similar to snorkeling, except there'd actually be something to *see* on the reefs in Coz. :)

She tolerates goggles quite well, so I think if I can find a mask that fits she would use it. The snorkel might be a bit harder, but it doesn't hurt to try, right? So, does anyone have any experience with gear for the really little ones? What fits? What's comfortable? Any advice on teaching toddlers to snorkel?

Also, I'm pretty nervous about her playing near the water. She's been in swim lessons since she was just under a year and is quite comfortable in the water. A little too comfortable, I think. She's at that dangerously overconfident stage where she's liable to jump in at any moment and expects that she can just swim like a pro. She actually can swim a few strokes but she still has a some difficulty keeping her head above water. Does anyone know of something that would be comfortable for her to wear in and around the pool and pier area? Just something to keep her afloat until we can fish her out in case she goes for an impromptu swim. I'm reluctant to put her in a life vest all the time because they're hot and bulky. She would complain loudly and forcefully like only a 2 yr old can. Anyone know of a good swim trainer or something that might work for this purpose?

BTW- opinions of lurking Daddies are welcome, too!

My daughter was three when she first started snorkling. We did find her a mask and fins that fit and a snorkel that worked, though was a bit to big. We also insisted that she always wear her life jacket while around the ocean or pool. The only exception was when she was building sand castles, she could take it off then. But if she was going to the water to fill her pails, she needed to have her life jacket on, it's at the stage where she has it on all the time and it doesn't bother her, it's routine.

We also taught her about cautiously breathing through the snorkel and how to clear her snorkel if it took on water. I didn't teach her about mask clearing until she was 5 and diving under the surface.

Good luck and have fun.

I have been teaching my Grand daughter to snorkel and dive. She is 4 at the time.
She's to young to understand the concept of diving but getting them over the fear of haveing there face in the water is important. I do mine in the pool in the shallow end. She snorkels fine with her floates on. When I put her on the regulator I hold the tank and follow her around the pool. She likes breathing on the regulator better than using the snorkel . Any way by the time she's old enough to get certified she'll have the basic down to a science. I'm looking forward to her being my dive buddy.
I'm my opion the younger the better.
Deep See makes masks, snorkles, and fins she can wear. Good quality and not too pricey.


I have similar fears with my 2.5 year old niece. She's been a water baby since she was only a couple months old. & much more comfortable around water than her skills should allow.

To counter that, my niece and nephew have these bathing suits that have the foam sewn into the lining. Their entire toso is covered. The foam runs in long 2 or 3" wide strips length wise.
They are really cool. It's like a one piece bathing suit but zips up the front.

I'm not sure where my sisters found the suits but would ask if you are interested.

diver_paula once bubbled...

I have similar fears with my 2.5 year old niece. She's been a water baby since she was only a couple months old. & much more comfortable around water than her skills should allow.

To counter that, my niece and nephew have these bathing suits that have the foam sewn into the lining. Their entire toso is covered. The foam runs in long 2 or 3" wide strips length wise.
They are really cool. It's like a one piece bathing suit but zips up the front.

I'm not sure where my sisters found the suits but would ask if you are interested.


I've seen those, they are cool. I also saw a little bitty wetsuit at Ginnie Springs the other week, but it cost more than mine. It was like $75!
The zipper runs up the back of the suit where the toddler can't reach it.

Also, I forgot to mention that my niece is the daughter of my 6'1" sister and inherited her height. I think she's 110 percentile with respect to height. Most people think she looks like a 5 year old until they hear her talk. Anyway, the point is that the suits can fit a wide range of sizes.

I would have her wear a life preserver. They make very small ones, especially for toddlers. The swim suits ( one style is called PoolPal & another is made by Speedo ) are not life saving devices. Since she will be in the ocean, I would not trust a toy (water wings) nor a swimming aid/floatation device-swim suit to be considered a life preserver.

Nor would I let her temper tantrum dictate her saftey. My oldest daughter, at age 2.5, once threw herself to the floor in a fit of rage when I asked her to hold my hand in a crowded store. There are always people who will stare at you when your child flips out. But there will be alot more who will nod their head & think "Yup, I remember that stage."

As for the mini wet suit, they might be nice, for warmth, under the life preserver. The main two that come to mind are the TYR ThermalWear at about $34.95 f/ 2T, 3T & 4T and $49.95 for size 5/6, 7/8 & 9/10 They have a front zip, short lycra sleeves & neoprene body & legs (to knee)
The Speedo UVA Wet Suit, which sells for around $23.95 in sizes 1T/2T and 2T - 4T. Also has a front zip, short sleeves & short legs.

I make my 9 year old wear a life preserver in the ocean & she is a year-round competitive swimmer, who can swim laps for hours, non stop. The ocean can be unpredictable & unforgiving.
My little sister is six and she has been able to swim for a few years now and has no fear of the water (Real little diver in the making)

She loves snorkelling and frightening the life out of my mother by coming up saying things like, mummy there's a crab by your foot, or a little insecty thing on your leg.
Basically although she can swim quite well my mother always puts her in a wetsuit and bouyancy aid and keeps her well supervised, not that helps my mums heart when she jumps over the side of the boat with my brothers in about 60 metres of sea water :wink:

Remember though some kids can be a bit funny about having a mask on their face and nose, I know my sister snorkelled with no mask the first few times she did it cause she didn't like how the mask felt.
My mom and I were just at Target last night where I bought a life preserver for my 7 1/2 month old son for $5!! They're clearing out a lot of their summer stuff at unbelievable prices. I just saw that one-piece bathing suit with the built in flotation device on sale there, too. I didn't bother to look at the price since it was seemingly made for girls. They also had some kind of swim aid that had 9 separate flotation pieces that you could add and remove as the child's swimming ability improved. If I recall correctly it was some sort of a vest-style. I do agree about making an actual PDF mandatory, but I know how hard it can be since the first one we had for our son just looked horribly uncomfortable for him. This new one we bought last night seems to fit him much better.

Good luck and please let us know how her snorkeling experience turns out. I'm very excited about getting Xavier into swimming lessons and eventually into snorkeling and diving. He absolutely loves the water!!


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